[Wildflower Bloom Reports for Washington & Oregon] - [Wildflower Destinations in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Wildflower Bloom in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington


Sitka Mist Maidens: Romanzoffia sitchensis

Sitka Mist Maidens: Romanzoffia sitchensis. This species may now be seen blooming on larger rocks and boulders of streams flowing down to the Gorge Highway, or may be more easily viewed on the cliffs at the parking lot just west of the Oneonta Gorge.
Wildflower Bloom Reports for Previous Years

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May 21, 2005: John B. Yeon State Park (trails to Elowah Falls and McCord Creek Falls)

May 14, 2005: Angels Rest (Washington Native Plant Society Hike)

May 1, 2005: Mt. Adams Highway

May 1, 2005: Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve (including Stacker Butte)

April 30, 2005: Angels Rest

April 28, 2005: Oneonta, Horsetail and Triple Falls Trails

April 24, 2005: Horsethief Butte Trail

April 24, 2005: Cliffs along Interstate 84 just west of Celilo, OR

April 24, 2005: BLM Parcel, Oregon Highway 206 at MP 1.1

April 24, 2005: East Bank of the Deschutes River at its Mouth

April 21, 2005: John B. Yeon State Park (trails to Elowah Falls and McCord Creek Falls)

April 9, 2005: Sand Pit Along Washington Highway 14 at MP 115.6

April 9, 2005: The Columbia Hills above the Dalles Mt. Ranch

April 9, 2005: Catherine Creek

April 2, 2005: John B. Yeon State Park (trails to Elowah Falls and McCord Creek Falls)

March 13, 2005: Oneonta to Horsetail Trails

March 6, 2005: Tom McCall Nature Preserve

March 6, 2005: Sand Quarry along Washington State Highway 14 MP 115.6

March 6, 2005: East Bank of the Deschutes River at its Mouth

March 6, 2005: BLM Parcel, Oregon Highway 206 at MP 1.1

February 26, 2005: Columbia Hills above the Dalles Mt. Ranch

February 26, 2005: Lower slopes of Three Bench Loop, just east of MP 79 on Washington State Rd 14.

February 26, 2005: Catherine Creek

February 5, 2005: Various Locations to the East of Hood River, OR and Bingen, WA

Paul Slichter E-mail