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[Wildflower-orientated Hikes for March & April 2008]
July 19, 2008: Silver Star Mountain - Native Plant Society of Oregon Hike
June 14, 2008: Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve - Native Plant Society of Oregon Hike
April 20, 2008: Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve - Friends of the Columbia Gorge Hike
April 11, 2008: Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve
April 6, 2008: General Report - Winter hangs on in the west and central Columbia River Gorge where the snow level on north-facing slopes is at 1500' in the west and to 1000' in the central Gorge. East of the White Salmon River, the snow level is above 1500' although it rises to 3000' feet on south-facing slopes east of the Klickitat River. Trails in the west and central gorge are very muddy and slippery. Take caution especially upon descent along such trails. Walking sticks and good tread on boots are highly suggested.
Wildflower bloom on the Oregon side is mostly below 1200' in the west, perhaps up as high as 1500' on the Washington side of the river. Camas is blooming on the Klickitat River and at Catherine Creek. The best bloom of lupines and balsamroots in the vicinity of Mosier and above the Dalles Mt. Road is still two to three weeks away. In general, wildflower bloom (for most species) is several weeks later than at any time during the past 8 years, and seems to be more reminiscent of bloom times from the mid to late 80s or early 90s.
April 6, 2008: Angels Rest
April 5, 2008: Washington Highway 142, Klickitat Canyon above Klickitat, WA
March 24 & 29, 2008: Washington State Highway #14 from Catherine Creek east to several miles west of Rock Creek (multiple locations).
January 5, 2008: Wildflower bloom has begun in the Columbia River Gorge with salt and pepper (Lomatium piperi) spotted in bloom about one mile east of Celilo, OR on December 19, 2007 and the first grass widow (Olsynium douglasii) was spotted in bloom along the lower trails at Catherine Creek on December 29, 2007.