[Wildflower Bloom Reports for Washington & Oregon] [Wildflower Destinations in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Wildflower Bloom in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington


Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve.....February 4, 2009.

The photo above shows the view towards Mt. Adams (left), Mt. Rainier (center) and the Goat Rocks (right) from the crest of the Columbia Hills. Despite patches of snow, south-facing slopes even at this elevation had some desert parsleys and phlox trying to bloom. Photographed........February 4, 2009.

Wildflower Bloom in the Columbia River Gorge in Previous Seasons

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[Wildflower-orientated Hikes for Spring and Summer 2009]

July 5, 2009: Angel's Rest Trail to the Junction with the Wahkeena Falls Trail

June 26, 2009: Klickitat River (Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area) - Hike from Old Headquarters Road.

June 26, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Area (Canyon Creek Loop Road)

June 12, 2009: Klickitat River (Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area) - Hike from Old Headquarters Road.

June 12, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Area (Canyon Creek Loop Road)

May 31, 2009: Klickitat River (Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area) - Hike from Old Headquarters Road.

May 30, 2009: The Trails to Elowah Falls and Upper McCord Creek Falls

May 27, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area - Hike from the Glenwood-Goldendale Road to Canyon Creek.

May 24, 2009: Klickitat River (Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area) - Hike from Old Headquarters Road.

May 20, 2009: The Trails to Elowah Falls and Upper McCord Creek Falls

May 18, 2009: Angel's Rest Trail

May 17, 2009: Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve (A Joint Native Plant Society of Oregon and Friends of the Columbia Gorge Hike.)

May 10, 2009: Washington State Highway SR 14 at MP 115.5

May 10, 2009: Horsethief Butte

May 8, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area - Hike from the Glenwood-Goldendale Road to Canyon Creek.

April 26, 2009: Memaloose State Park and Surrounding Federal Lands - (A Native Plant Society of Oregon Hike.)

April 23, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area - Hike from the Glenwood-Goldendale Road to Canyon Creek.

April 21, 2009: McCord Creek

April 20, 2009: Angel's Rest

April 19, 2009: Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve (A North American Rock Garden Society hike)

April 15, 2009: Horsethief Butte

April 11, 2009: Catherine Creek - (A Native Plant Society of Oregon and Klickitat Trail Conservancy Hike.)

April 1, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area - Hike from the Glenwood-Goldendale Road to Canyon Creek.

March 22, 2009: Upper Swale Canyon (A Native Plant Society of Oregon and Klickitat Trail Conservancy Hike.)

March 16, 2009: Horsethief Butte (A North American Rock Garden Society hike)

March 16, 2009: The Dalles Mountain Road (A North American Rock Garden Society hike)

March 16, 2009: Catherine Creek (A North American Rock Garden Society hike)

February 4, 2009: Various destinations in the Columbia River Gorge (Old Highweay north of Chenoweth, The Dalles Mt. Road, Columbia Hills, Slopes above Doug's Beach and Catherine Creek.

Paul Slichter E-mail