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[Wildflower-orientated Hikes for Spring and Summer 2009]
July 5, 2009: Angel's Rest Trail to the Junction with the Wahkeena Falls Trail
June 26, 2009: Klickitat River (Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area) - Hike from Old Headquarters Road.
June 26, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Area (Canyon Creek Loop Road)
June 12, 2009: Klickitat River (Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area) - Hike from Old Headquarters Road.
June 12, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Area (Canyon Creek Loop Road)
May 31, 2009: Klickitat River (Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area) - Hike from Old Headquarters Road.
May 30, 2009: The Trails to Elowah Falls and Upper McCord Creek Falls
May 27, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area - Hike from the Glenwood-Goldendale Road to Canyon Creek.
May 24, 2009: Klickitat River (Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area) - Hike from Old Headquarters Road.
May 20, 2009: The Trails to Elowah Falls and Upper McCord Creek Falls
May 18, 2009: Angel's Rest Trail
May 17, 2009: Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve (A Joint Native Plant Society of Oregon and Friends of the Columbia Gorge Hike.)
May 10, 2009: Washington State Highway SR 14 at MP 115.5
May 10, 2009: Horsethief Butte
May 8, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area - Hike from the Glenwood-Goldendale Road to Canyon Creek.
April 26, 2009: Memaloose State Park and Surrounding Federal Lands - (A Native Plant Society of Oregon Hike.)
April 23, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area - Hike from the Glenwood-Goldendale Road to Canyon Creek.
April 21, 2009: McCord Creek
April 20, 2009: Angel's Rest
April 19, 2009: Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve (A North American Rock Garden Society hike)
April 15, 2009: Horsethief Butte
April 11, 2009: Catherine Creek - (A Native Plant Society of Oregon and Klickitat Trail Conservancy Hike.)
April 1, 2009: Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area - Hike from the Glenwood-Goldendale Road to Canyon Creek.
March 22, 2009: Upper Swale Canyon (A Native Plant Society of Oregon and Klickitat Trail Conservancy Hike.)
March 16, 2009: Horsethief Butte (A North American Rock Garden Society hike)
March 16, 2009: The Dalles Mountain Road (A North American Rock Garden Society hike)
March 16, 2009: Catherine Creek (A North American Rock Garden Society hike)
February 4, 2009: Various destinations in the Columbia River Gorge (Old Highweay north of Chenoweth, The Dalles Mt. Road, Columbia Hills, Slopes above Doug's Beach and Catherine Creek.