Chocolate Lily Fritillaria affinis
[2025] [2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010][2009][2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2003] [2002] [2001] [1997-2000]
September 12, 2004: Dalton Point
August 29, 2004: Oregon Highway 206, about 1 mile east of Celilo, OR
August 29, 2004: The Oregon shore just downstream of the Dalles Dam
August 29, 2004: The Dalles Riverside Park
August 29, 2004: Tom McCall Nature Preserve
August 29, 2004: Dry vernal pond between Mosier, OR and Tom McCall Nature Preserve
August 38, 2004: Gillette Lake (Along Pacific Crest Trail several miles north of Bonneville Dam)
May 31, 2004: Ainsworth State Park- McCord Creek Trail to Lower Elowah Falls
May 30, 2004: Stacker Butte & the Columbia Hills
May 16, 2004: Dog Mt.
May 9, 2004: Catherine Creek
May 9, 2004: Stacker Butte & the Columbia Hills
March 27, 2004: Catherine Creek
March 27, 2004: Oak woods to west of upper parking lot for Stacker Butte (Dalles Mt. Ranch)
March 27, 2004: Dalles Mt. Rd (From SR 14 to & including the summit)
March 27, 2004: Horsethief Butte Trail
March 27, 2004: WA State Road 14 between Horsethief Butte and MP 115
March 26, 2004: Old Gorge Highway between Bridal Veil and Ainsworth (and a few points east to Hood River)
March 26, 2004: Lower Sandy River and SR 14 east of Washougal, WA
March 14, 2004: Three Bench Loop (Above Doug's Beach to the East of Lyle, WA)
February 22, 2004: Columbia River Gorge to the east of Hood River, OR and White Salmon, WA