[Columbia River Gorge Wildflower Bloom Reports: 2004]

Currently Blooming Wildflowers in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

Vernal Pond Along Old Highway 30 West of Tom McCall Nature Preserve

About 150 meters west of Marsh Cutoff Rd.

August 29, 2004

Flower head of Larger Western Mountain Aster: Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. intermedium

Larger Western Mountain Aster: Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. intermedium

* Indicates a wildflower currently in bloom.

* Western Yellow Cress: Rorippa curvisiliqua var. curvisiliqua

* Turkey Mullein: Croton setigerus

* Tall Annual Willowherb: Epilobium brachycarpum

* Narrow-leaf Milkweed: Asclepias fascicularis

Dodder: Cuscuta species

* Field Mint: Mentha canadensis

* Showy Downingia: Downingia elegans

* Western Aster: Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. intermedium

* Bull Thistle: Cirsium vulgare

* Horseweed: Conyza canadensis

* Prickly Lettuce: Lactuca serriola

* Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata

* Common Cocklebur: Xanthium strumarium

Paul Slichter