[Wildflower Bloom Reports for Washington & Oregon] - [Columbia River Gorge Wildflower Bloom Reports Prior to 2002]

[Wildflower Destinations in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Wildflower Bloom in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington


Coast Hedge-nettle Stachys mexicana

Coast Hedge-nettle Stachys mexicana

Wildflower Bloom Reports for Previous Years

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August 10 &11, 2002: Pacific Crest Trail, Wahtum Lake to Chinidere Mt.

July 7, 2002: Silver Star Mountain

May 18, 2002: Stacker Butte (Columbia Hills)

May 11, 2002: Dog Mountain

April 16, 2002: WA State Road 14, east of US Highway 97 at at milepost 111.6.

April 14, 2002: Catherine Creek

April 6, 2002: Catherine Creek

March 30, 2002: East Bank of the Deschutes River & upstream several miles.

March 30, 2002: Heritage Park, West Bank of the Deschutes River at its Mouth

March 22, 2002: Three Bench Loop.

March 22, 2002: The Dalles Mt.

March 22, 2002: Catherine Creek

March 10, 2002: The Western Wake-robin (Trillium ovatum) are now blooming near the Sandy River in the western Gorge.

March 10, 2002: Three Bench Loop.

February 18, 2002: Tom McCall Nature Preserve, The Dalles Dam, The Dalles Mountain, Three Bench Loop, & Catherine Creek.

February 2, 2002: Tom Mc Call Nature Preserve, Three Bench Loop, & Catherine Creek

January 25, 2002: Wildflowers have been blooming in the Gorge since mid-January this year. Grass Widow (Sisyrinchium douglasii) and Salt and Pepper (Lomatium piperi) are begining to bloom east of Hood River while the weedy species, Robert Geranium (Geranium robertianum) has been in bloom all winter to the west of Bonneville.

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