[Currently Blooming Wildflowers of Oregon and Washington] - [Places to see Wildflowers in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Currently Blooming Wildflowers in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington


View of the Columbia Hills from The Dalles Mt Road, with balsamroot and lupines in resplendent bloom! April 27, 1997.

View of the Columbia Hills from The Dalles Mt Road, with balsamroot and lupines in resplendent bloom! April 27, 1997.

Wildflower Bloom Reports for Previous Years

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August 27, 2000 Mouth of the Deschutes River (west bank)

May 13, 2000 Catherine Creek

April 23, 2000 The bloom of balsamroot and lupine seems to be building to a peak on the lower and mid elevation slopes along the Dalles Mt. Road.

April 23, 2000 Blalock Canyon Road

April 23, 2000 Philippi Canyon

April 23, 2000 East bank of the John Day River at its mouth.

April 23, 2000 Higher elevation slopes (east bank) above the Deschutes River accessed via the Gordon Ridge Road.

April 16, 2000 Catherine Creek

April 9, 2000 South of Rufous, OR on Gerking Hollow Rd (0.5 miles above intersection with Scott Canyon Rd)

April 9, 2000 Mouth of the John Day River (West Bank)

April 2, 2000 Radio Tower at Crest of Gordon Ridge Road

April 2, 2000 North-facing slopes about 1/2-3/4 miles east of the east bank of the Deschutes River

March 23, 2000 Old Gorge Highway between Mosier, OR and Tom McCall Nature Preserve

March 23, 2000 Near The Dalles Dam Visitor's Center

March 23, 2000 Vicinity of Horsethief Butte State Park

March 23, 2000 Catherine Creek

March 23, 2000 Old Gorge Highway between Bridal Veil and McCord Creek

March 5, 2000 Catherine Creek


May 16, 1999 The Dalles Mt and the Columbia Hills

April 25, 1999 The Dalles Mt Rd

April 17, 1999 Wasco Butte & Chenoweth Rd

March 27, 1999 State Road 14 (Washington) east of US 97 & Rock Creek Rd.

March 7, 1999 Catherine Creek

February 21, 1999 Memaloose Viewpoint, near The Dalles, OR, The Dalles Mt., & Catherine Creek


July 4, 1998 Tom McCall Point Trail

July 4, 1998 Columbia Hills

May 9, 1998 Columbia Hills

April 19, 1998 Random spots along SR-14: Intersection of SR-14 and The Dalles Mt. Rd., Avery Boat Ramp,

April 18, 1998 Hood River Mt. Meadows

April 4, 1998 Tom McCall Nature Preserve, Catherine

March 14, 1998 Three Benchs Loop

March 8, 1998 Catherine Creek

March 1, 1998 Hood River Mountain Meadows, Memaloose, Twin Tunnels and the Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway between Bridal Veil and Ainsworth S.P..

February 15, 1998 Memaloose, Rowena, Chenoweth, The Dalles Mt, & Catherine Creek


September 14, 1997 Mouth of the Deschutes River (East Bank)

Early September 1997 General Wildflower Report for the Eastern Columbia River Gorge

June 1, 1997 The Dalles Mt Road, and the Columbia Hills to the northeast of Dallesport, WA.

May 10, 1997 Hillside (just east of Haystack Butte) between Washington State Road #14 and Goldendale, WA.

April 27, 1997 Catherine Creek

April 5, 1997 Memaloose Overlook on the Old Columbia River Highway

March 2, 1997 Governor Tom McCall Nature Preserve & Rowena Overlook

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