1. Willow: Salix sp.
*2. Bicolored Cluster Lily: Brodiaea howellii -
*3. Pale Bastard Toad-flax: Comandra umbellata var. pallida -
*4. Veiny Dock: Rumex venosus - Now beginning to bloom.
*5. Jim Hill Mustard: Sisymbrium altissimum - Beginning to bloom.
6. Leiberg's Stonecrop: Sedum leibergii - Moderate amounts of leafy rosettes on the rock outcrops.
7. Mock Orange: Philadelphus lewisii - In bud.
*8. Antelope Bitter Brush: Purshia tridentata - In full bloom.
9. Rose: Rosa species (R. nutkana?) - In bud, 1 flower bud per inflorescence?
10. Lupine: Lupinus bicolor or L. micranthus - Small annual, not in bloom yet.
11. Lance-leaf Scurf-pea: Psoralea lanceolata - Not in bloom yet.
*12. Filaree: Erodium cicutarium - Moderate bloom.
13. Poison Oak: Rhus radicans - In bud.
*14. Chervil: Anthriscus scandicina - Numerous, small plants.
*15. Smooth Desert Parsley: Lomatium laevigatum - A few plants still in bloom.
*16. Long-leaf Phlox: Phlox longifolia - A few plants in bloom.
*17. Silver-leaf Phacelia: Phacelia hastata var. compacta -
*18. Tarweed Fiddleneck: Amsinckia lycopsoides -
*19. Annual Bedstraw: Galium aparine - Beginning to bloom.
*20. Low Pussytoes: Antennaria dimorpha -
*21. Carey's Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza careyana var. intermedia -
*22. Tumble Knapweed: Centaurea diffusa -
*23. Thread-leaf Fleabane: Erigeron filifolius -
24. Oregon Sunshine: Eriophyllum lanatum - In bud.
25. Mistletoe: ? Found on the Salix above.