[2005 Wildflower Bloom Reports for the Columbia River Gorge]

Columbia River Gorge

Wildflower bloom along the Columbia Hills

March 6 , 2005

Filaree: Erodium cicutarium as photographed at the BLM parcel along OR Highway 206 about 1 mile east of Celilo, OR.....................March 6, 2005.
* indicates the wildflower is blooming.

BLM Parcel along OR Highway 206 M.P. 1.1

*1. Yellow Bells: Fritillaria pudica - Only several in bloom.

2. Veiny Dock: Rumex venosus - Leaves emerging from the sand.

*3. Scale Pod: Idahoa scapigera - numerous

*4. Spring Whitlow Grass: Draba verna var. boerhavii - numerous

5. Leiberg's Stonecrop: Sedum leibergii - Moderate amounts of leafy rosettes on the rock outcrops.

*6. Filaree: Erodium cicutarium - Moderate bloom.

*7. Smooth Desert Parsley: Lomatium laevigatum - Beginning bloom.

*8. Gold Stars: Crocidium multicaule - Moderate bloom on the rocky outcrops.

Smooth Desert Parsley: Lomatium laevigatum as seen at the BLM Parcel..................March 6, 2005.

Paul Slichter