[2005 Wildflower Bloom Reports for the Columbia River Gorge]

Columbia River Gorge

Wildflower bloom Along the Angels Rest Trail

April 30, 2005

Giant Vetch: Vicia gigantea. Angels Rest Trail, Columbia River Gorge...................April 30, 2004.
* indicates the wildflower is blooming.

Angels Rest

This is a popular trail on weekends, with lots of hikers and some canine friends. One can also continue the hike, by turning right at the summit, and heading either to the Wahkeena Falls Trail or descend via the Multnomah Falls Trail. At this time, the leaves of many plants may be seen, which is good ID practice and anticipation of what will come later!

The photo at right shows a close-up of the bloom of Lyall's Anemone: Anemone lyallii as seen along the Angels Rest Trail.................April 30, 2005.

*1. Vine Maple: Acer circinatum -

*2. Fairy Bells: Disporum hookeri var. oreganum - Common.

*3. Chocolate Lily: Fritillaria lanceolata - Several still in bloom, especially on upper sections of the trail.

4. Columbia Tiger Lily: Lilium columbianum - Several plants are up to 2 feet tall.........no flower buds yet.

5. False Lily-of-the-valley: Maianthemum dilatatum - Nearly ready to bloom.

*6. False Solomon Seal: Smilacina racemosa -

*7. Clasping-leaf Twisted Stalk: Streptopus amplexifolius -

*8. Trillium/ Wood Lily: Trillium ovatum - Going out of bloom.

*9. Miner's-lettuce: Claytonia (Montia) perfoliata -

*10. Candy Flower: Claytonia (Montia) sibirica - Common.

*11. Little-leaf Montia: Montia parvifolia -

*12. Unidentified Pink:

*13. Field Chickweed: Cerastium arvense -

*14. Chickweed: Cerastium sp. -

*15. Big-leaf Sandwort: Moehringia (Arenaria) macrophylla - Fairly common.

*16. Chickweed: Stellaria media -

*17. Baneberry: Actaea rubra -

18. Columbia Windflower: Anemone deltoidea - In bud.

*19. Lyall's Windflower: Anemone lyallii - Beginning to bloom.

*20. Poison Larkspur: Delphinium trollifolium -

*21. Little Buttercup: Ranunculus uncinatus var. parviflorus -

*22. Western Meadow-rue: Thalictrum occidentale - Good bloom.

Hairy Rock Cress: Arabis hirsuta var. eschscholtziana

*23. Vanilla Leaf: Achlys triphylla -

*24. Inside-out Flower: Vancouveria hexandra -

*25. Western Corydalis: Corydalis scouleri -

*26. Bleeding Heart: Dicentra formosa - Common.

*27. Hairy Rock Cress: Arabis hirsuta var. eschscholtziana -

*28. American Winter Cress: Barbarea orthoceras -

29. Western Wallflower: Erysimum asperum - In bud.

*30. Honesty: Lunaria annua -

*31. Small-flowered Alumroot: Heuchera micrantha -

*32. Fringe Cup: Tellima grandiflora - Good bloom.

*33. Youth-on-age: Tolmiea menziesii - A few plants in bloom.

*34. Red-flowering Currant: Ribes sanguineum - Mostly out of bloom.

*35. Pacific Dogwood: Cornus nuttallii - Seen in the forest about 100 meters east and below the top of Angels Rest.

*36. Serviceberry: Amelanchier alnifolia -

*37. Woods Strawberry: Fragaria vesca var. bracteata - Fairly common.

*38. Large-leaf Avens: Geum macrophyllum - Fairly common.

39. Ninebark: Physocarpus capitatum - In bud.

40. Glandular Cinquefoil: Potentilla glandulosa -

*41. Thimbleberry: Rubus parviflorus -

*42. Trailing Blackberry: Rubus ursinus - A few plants seen in open forest.

*43. Leafy Pea: Lathyrus polyphyllus -

*44. Giant Vetch: Vicia gigantea - See photo above.

Leafy Pea: Lathyrus polyphyllus

*45. Robert Geranium: Geranium robertianum - Unfortunately, all too common!

*46. Chervil: Anthriscus scandicina -

*47. Common Sweet Cicely: Osmorhiza chilensis -

48. Salal: Gaultheria shallon - In bud.

*49. Broad-leaf Star Flower: Trientalis latifolia - A few in bloom.

*50. Pacific Waterleaf: Hydrophyllum tenuipes -

*51. Woods Nemophila: Nemophila parviflora -

*52. Wood's Forget-me-not: Myosotis sylvatica - ?

*53. Ground Ivy: Glecoma hederacea -

*54. Large-flowered Blue-eyed Mary: Collinsia grandiflora -

*55. Chickweed monkey Flower: Mimulus alsinoides -

56. Cascade Penstemon: Penstemon serrulatus - Buds beginning to break.

*57. Annual Bedstraw: Galium aparine -

*58. Pussytoes: Antennaria neglecta or racemosa -

*59. English Daisy; Bellis perenne -

*60. Common Butterweed: Senecio vulgaris -

*61. Common Dandylion: Taraxacum officinale - A few in bloom, especially near impacted areas next to the road.

Paul Slichter