[Wildflower Bloom in Central and Eastern Washington: 2007]

Wildflower Bloom in Central and Eastern Washington

June 16 , 2007

Simcoe Butte

view northwest towards the Goat Rocks (obscured by clouds) from atop Simcoe Butte....................June 16, 2007.view northwest towards the Goat Rocks (obscured by clouds) from atop Simcoe Butte....................June 16, 2007.

The photo above shows a view northwest towards the Goat Rocks (obscured by clouds) from atop Simcoe Butte....................June 16, 2007. The flowers present in the foreground include woolly sunflower (Eriophyllum lanatum) , heart-leaf buckwheat (Eriogonum compositum) and harsh paintbrush(Castilleja hispida).

Simcoe Butte is located at the eastern end of the Simcoe Mts. in south-central Washington. It can be accessed via a primitive road which begins at US 97 at Satus Pass. The road climbs westward about 1500' in 5 miles time before reaching the summit. Low slung cars might have trouble due to pot holes and large rocks in the road. It probably is wise to carry a full-sized spare tire when driving on this road as traffic tends to be light. The road passes in and out of the Yakama Reservation, and they request that you not venture off the road when you are on Indian lands. It appears that one can drive further west along the ridgetop to more westerly peaks at higher elevations.

The plants listed here were those that could be seen from the road from US 97 to the highest point of Simcoe Butte.

* Indicates the plant is currently in bloom.

1. Bracken Fern: Pteridium aquilinum -

2. Pacific Silver Fir: Abies amabilis -

3. Ponderosa Pine: Pinus ponderosa -

4. Douglas Fir: Pseudotsuga menziesii -

5. Douglas Maple: Acer glabrum var. douglasii -

6. Red Alder: Alnus rubra -

7. Black Cottonwood: Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa -

8. Scouler's Willow: Salix scouleriana -

* 9. Cheat Grass: Bromus tectorum -

* 10. Bottlebrush Squirreltail: Elymus elymoides (formerly Sitanion hystrix) -

11. Idaho Fescue: Festuca idahoensis -

* 12. Bulbous Blue Grass: Poa bulbosa -

* 13. Small-fruited Bullrush: Scirpus microcarpus - Seen in riparian areas at mid-elevation.

* 14. Tapertip Onion: Allium accuminatum - Beginning to bloom.

15. Glacier Lily: Erythronium grandiflorum - Forming fruits.

16. Yellow Bells: Fritillaria pudica - Seed pods beginning to release seeds.

17. False Solomon Plume, False Solomon Seal: Maianthemum racemosum (formerly Smilacina racemosa) -

* 18. Bicolored Cluster-lily: Triteleia grandiflora ssp. howellii -

* 19. Hyacinth Cluster-lily: Triteleia hyacinthina (formerly Brodiaea hyacinthina) -

* 20. Meadow Death-camas: Zigadenus venenosus -

21. Grass Widow: Olsynium inflatum ??? (formerly Sisyrinchium douglasii var. inflatum) - Plants are very withered so positive ID awaits until the next bloom season.

22. Western Dwarf Mistletoe ? : Arceuthobium campylopodum - Found at the base of a ponderosa pine about 100 meters west of Satus Pass.

* 23. Stinging Nettles: Urtica dioica -

* 24. Heart-leaf Buckwheat: Eriogonum compositum var. compositum - Yellow- as well as white-flowered individuals present.

* 25. Douglas Buckwheat: Eriogonum douglasii (var. ?) -

* 26. Tall Buckwheat: Eriogonum elatum - Beginning to bloom at lower elevations.

27. Barestem Buckwheat: Eriogonum nudum - In bud. Seen only at Satus Pass.

28. Cushion Buckwheat ?: Eriogonum ovalifolium (var. nivale ?) - No sign yet of an inflorescence, and only seen on the summit ridge. There is a possibility this could be strict buckwheat, so I will need to visit at a later date.

29. Strict Buckwheat: Eriogonum strictum ssp. proliferum (var. ?) - Inflorescences barely beginning to form. Will need a later visit for identification to the varietal level.

* 30. Sulphur Flower: Eriogonum umbellatum var. -

31. Doorweed, Knotweed: Polygonum aviculare -

* 32. Douglas' Knotweed: Polygonum douglasii -

* 33. Knotweed: Polygonum sp. - Possibly P. kelloggii ?

* 34. Dock: Rumex sp. - Quite possibly this may be R. salicifolius. The inflorescence was still in bud and will await further study as the fruits mature.

35. Russian Thistle: Salsola kali -

* 36. Bitterroot: Lewisia rediviva -

* 37. Mountain Sandwort: Arenaria capillaris ssp. americana -

* 38. Franklin's Sandwort: Arenaria franklinii var. franklinii - Still in bloom.

39. Bigleaf Sandwort: Moehringia macrophylla (formerly Arenaria macrophylla) -

* 40. Douglas' Campion: Silene douglasii var. douglasii -

* 41. Oregon Campion: Silene oregana -

* 42. Meadow Larkspur: Delphinium burkei -

* 43. Upland Larkspur: Delphinium nuttallianum - Only in bloom on the north side of the ridge (under shrubs) at the highest elevations.

* 44. Woodland Buttercup: Ranunculus uncinatus -

45. Rock Cress: Arabis sp. - ? Ascending, arched fruits.

* 46. Holboell's Rockcress: Arabis holboellii (var. ?) -

47. Sicklepod Rockcress?: Arabis sparsiflora (var. ?) -

* 48. Rough Wallflower: Erysimum capitatum (formerly Erysimum asperum)

49. Lanceleaved Sedum: Sedum lanceolatum -

* 50. Worm-leaf Stonecrop: Sedum stenopetalum -

51. Wax Currant: Ribes cereum -

* 52. Mock Orange: Philadelphus lewisii -

53. Serviceberry: Amelanchier alnifolia -

* 54. Large-leaved Avens: Geum macrophyllum -

55. Oceanspray: Holodiscus discolor - In bud.

* 56. Sticky Cinquefoil, Gland Cinquefoil: Potentilla glandulosa var. reflexa -

57. Bittercherry: Prunus emarginata -

58. Antelope Bitterbrush: Purshia tridentata -

* 59. Little Wild Rose: Rosa gymnocarpa -

* 60. Nootka Rose: Rosa nutkana (var. hispida?) -

* 61. Thimbleberry: Rubus parviflorus - In bloom at mid-elevations near riparian areas.

* 62. Annual Burnet: Sanguisorba occidentalis - Roadside weed.

* 63. Cascade Mt. Ash: Sorbus scopulina (var. scopulina?) -

64. Birch-leaf Spiraea: Spiraea betulifolia ? - In bud, but the color of the flowers was not evident.

* 65. Stiff Milkvetch: Astragalus conjunctus var. rickardii -

* 66. Few-flowered Pea: Lathyrus pauciflorus var. pauciflorus -

* 67. Nevada Deer-vetch: Lotus nevadensis -

* 68. American Bird's-foot Trefoil: Lotus unifoliatus var. unifoliatus (formerly Lotus purshiana) -

* 69. Spurred Lupine: Lupinus arbustus ssp. silvicola -

* 70. Prairie Lupine: Lupinus lepdius var. aridus -

71. Stony Ground Lupine: Lupinus saxosus - Found only on the highest ridgetops. Past bloom.

* 72. Wyeth's Lupine: Lupinus wyethii - ??

* 73. Cup Clover: Trifolium cyathiferum - Limited to moist areas along the road at middle elevations.

* 74. White Clover: Trifolium repens -

75. Sagebrush Violet: Viola trinervata -

* 76. White-stemmed Blazing Star: Mentzelia albicaulis -

77. Mountain Hollyhock: Illiamna rivularis ? - Seen only in riparian areas at mid-elevation. No flower buds present yet.

* 78. Snowbrush: Ceanothus velutinus -

* 79. Fireweed: Chamerion angustifolium (formerly Epilobium angustifolium) -

* 80. Diamond Clarkia, Common Clarkia: Clarkia rhomboidea -

* 81. Ground Smoke: Gayophytum sp. -

* 82. Spreading Ground Smoke: Gayophytum diffusum -

* 83. Shining Angelica?: Angelica arguta -

84. Pungent Desert Parsley: Lomatium grayi - Going to seed. Only found at the summit of Simcoe Butte.

85. Barestem Desert Parsley: Lomatium nudicaule -

* 86. Nine-leaf Desert Parsley: Lomatium triternatum var. triternatum - A few plants still in bloom.

* 87. Western Sweet Cicely: Osmorhiza occidentalis - Only seen in bloom in shade under shrubs at the summit of Simcoe Butte.

* 88. Sierra Snakeroot: Sanicula graveolens - Onlys seen at the summit of Simcoe Butte.

89. Pipsissewa: Chimaphila umbellata - In bud.

90. Pinedrops: Pteraspora andromedaea -

91. Whiteveined Pyrola: Pyrola picta - In bud.

* 92. Flytrap Dogbane: Apocynum androsmifolium (var. ?) -

* 93. Night-blooming Morning Glory: Calystegia atriplicifolia ssp. atriplicifolia (formerly Convolvulus nyctagineus) - Seen in bloom at higher elevations along the road just below Simcoe Butte.

* 94. Large-flowered Collomia: Collomia grandiflora -

* 95. Harkness' Linanthus: Linanthus harknessii ? -

* 96. Navarretia: Navarretia sp. -

* 97. Midget Phlox: Phlox gracilis (formerly Microsteris gracilis) -

98. Hood's Phlox: Phlox hoodii - Past bloom. Seen atop Simcoe Butte.

99. Ballhead Waterleaf: Hydrophyllum capitatum (var. thompsonii ?) - Well past bloom.

100. Tall Phacelia: Phacelia procera - In bud.

* 101. Quill Cryptantha: Cryptantha affinis -

102. Mountain Monardella: Monardella odoratissima - In bud.

* 103. Selfheal: Prunella vulgaris (var. lanceolata ?) -

* 104. Coast Hedge-nettle: Stachys chamissonis var. cooleyae (formerly Stachys cooleyae) -

* 105. Harsh Paintbrush: Castilleja hispida ssp. hispida -

* 106. Common Paintbrush: Castilleja miniata - Seen in bloom from Satus Pass up to mid-elevations.

* 107. Thompson's Paintbrush: Castilleja thompsonii - Onlys seen in bloom atop Simcoe Butte.

* 108. Hairy Paintbrush, Hairy Owl-clover: Castilleja tenuis (formerly Orthocarpus hispidus) -

109. Clustered Bird's Beak: Cordylanthus capitatus ? - Seen on slopes atop Simcoe Butte.

* 110. Short-flowered Monkeyflower: Mimulus breviflorus -

* 111. Brewer's Monkeyflower: Mimulus breweri -

* 112. Common Monkeyflower: Mimulus guttatus - Seen in riparian areas or on open, vernally moist slopes at mid-elevation.

* 113. Musk Monkeyflower: Mimulus moschatus - In bloom in riparian areas at mid-elevation.

* 114. Tapertip Penstemon: Penstemon attenuatus var. attenuatus -

* 115. Gairdner's Penstemon: Penstemon gairdneri var. gairdneri - A few plants still in bloom.

* 116. Common Mullein: Verbascum thapsus - Only in bloom at Satus Pass.

* 117. American Brooklime: Veronica americana - Plants of riparian areas at mid-elevation.

* 118. Annual Bedstraw, Cleavers: Galium aparine -

* 119. Fragrant Bedstraw: Galium triflorum -

* 120. Milk Kelloggia: Kelloggia galioides -

* 121. Mountain Snowberry: Symphoricarpos oreophilus var. utahensis - Seen on north-facing slopes atop Simcoe Butte.

* 122. Yarrow: Achillea millefolium (var. occidentalis?) -

* 123. Large-flowered Agoseris: Agoseris grandiflora - A few plants seen in bloom.

* 124. Annual Agoseris: Agoseris heterophylla - Still in bloom atop Simcoe Butte.

* 125. Spearleaf Agoseris: Agoseris retrorsa - A few plants seen in bloom.

126. Pearly Everlasting: Anaphalis margaritacea -

127. Low Pussytoes: Antennaria dimorpha - Going to seed.

* 128. Heart-leaf Arnica: Arnica cordifolia - Seen in bloom in shady areas at mid-elevation.

* 129. Carey's Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza careyana - Fading out of bloom.

130. Hooker's Balsamroot: Balsamhoriza hookeri - Past bloom.

* 131. Silvercrown: Cacaliopsis nardosmia (formerly Luina nardosmia) - Fading out of bloom at mid-elevation.

132. Diffuse Knapweed: Centaurea diffusa -

* 133. Hoary False Yarrow: Chaenactis douglasii -

134. Hall's Goldenweed: Columbiadora hallii - ?

* 135. Hawksbeard: Crepis sp. -

136. Western Hawksbeard: Crepis occidentalis - Going to seed.

137. Rabbitbrush Goldenweed: Ericameria bloomeri (formerly Haplopappus bloomeri) -

* 138. Scabland Fleabane: Erigeron bloomeri - In bloom both at low and high elevation.

* 139. Yellow Desert Daisy: Erigeron linearis - In bloom near the summit of Simcoe Butte.

* 140. Oregon Sunshine, Woolly Sunflower: Eriophyllum lanatum var. lanatum -

* 141. White-flowered Hawkweed: Hieracium albiflorum -

* 142. Tarweed: Madia sp. -

143. Sweet Colt'sfoot ? : Petasites frigidus - or did I mislabel this, when it should be Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) ?

* 144. Woolly Groundsel: Packera cana (formerly Senecio canus) - Seen only atop Simcoe Butte.

145. Western Groundsel: Senecio integerrimus (var. ?) - Too late in the season to determine the variety.

* 146. Common Dandylion: Taraxacum officinale - Occasionally seen along the road.

* 147. Yellow Salsify: Tragopogon dubius -

Animals Seen Along this Route:

Cascade Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel

California Ground Squirrel



Northern Flickers

Downy Woodpecker ? - Heard

Western Wood Peewees

Red-breasted Nuthatches

Western Tanagers


Mourning Doves

Violet-green Swallows

Barn Swallows (only at Satus Pass)

Swifts (White-throated?) (Only at Satus Pass)

Chipping Sparrows

Horned Larks

Unidentified Skipper

Propertius Duskywings: Erynnis propertius

Western Pine Elfins: Incisalia eryphon

Western Sulfurs: Colias occidentalis

Rocky Mt. Parnassians: Parnassius smintheus

Ochre Ringlets: Coenonympha tullia

Spring Azures: Celastrina argiolas

Melissa's Blues: Lycaeides melissa

Boisduval's Blues: Icaricia icarioides

Acmon Blues: Icaricia acmon

Greenish Blues: Plebejus saepiolus

Lilac-bordered Coppers: Lyceaena nivalis

Coronis Fritillaries : Speyeria coronis

Snowberrry Checkerspots: Euphydryas chalcedona

Northern Checkerspots: Chlosyne palla

Lorquins Admirals: Limenitis lorquini

California Tortoiseshells: Nymphalis californica

Mourning Cloaks: Nymphalis antiopa

Painted Lady: Vanessa cardui

Pale Tiger Swallowtails: Papilio eurymedon

Paul Slichter