[The Genus Arnica East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]
Heart-leaf Arnica, Heart-leaf Leopardbane
Arnica cordifolia
Synonyms: Arnica cordifolia var. cordifolia, Arnica cordifolia var. pumila
The photo at left shows heart-leaf arnica blooming blooming along the Holland Falls National Recreation Trail #416, Flathead National Forest......May 27, 2023. The photo at center shows heart-leaf arnica as seen from near the Little Spokane River north of Spokane, WA........April 30, 2006. The photo at right shows heart-leaf arnica in bloom at Brooks Memorial State Park north of Goldendale, WA.....May 4, 2021.
The photo at right shows a close-up of the involucral bracts of heart-leaf arnica as seen from near the Little Spokane River north of Spokane, WA..........April 30, 2006.
Heartleaf arnica is deciduous perennial arising to a height of 10-60 cm from
naked rhizomes. The stems are solitary, or occasionally several loosely clustered
together. The stems are covered with minute glandular hairs, or loosely with
white hairs (see photos). The 2-3 pairs of opposite, heart-shaped stem leaves.
range from 4-12 cm long and 3-9 cm wide. The leaf margins are usually coarsely
toothed, but may also be entire.
The flowers are found at the tips of the stems and are usually solitary, although
it is possible that several could be clustered together. The flower heads have
a yellow central disk surrounded by 10-15 yellow ray flowers. The tips of these
ray flowers are pointed. Individual rays are 1.5-3 cm long. The involucre is
13-20 mm tall and sparsely to thickly covered with long white, spreading hairs.
Native Americans used flowers steeped in water as a salve for wounds or cuts.
The flowers may be grazed by sheep and horses.
Moist wooded places, often near streams, from the foothills to upper elevations
Widespread over the west in its habitat.
Heart-leaf arnica as seen left along the Slide Basin Trail #372 at a viewpoint and bald immediately north of the junction with Trail #5005, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........August 11, 2015 The photo at right shows hear-leaf arnica between FS Road 42 and Johnson Creek on forest service lands just west of Big Summit Prairie, Ochoco National Forest........April 29, 2016.
The photos above show the cordate leaf and flower head of heart-leaf arnica as seen from near the Little Spokane River north of Spokane, WA.........April 30, 2006.

Additional close-up photos of heart-leaf arnica as seen along Reecer Creek Road, Wenatchee National Forest........June 5, 2009.
Additional close-ups of heartleaf arnica as seen along Soda Springs Road in the Klickitat State Wildlife Area of south-central Washington.........May 8, 2009.
Heartleaf arnica blooming (at left and middle) along Forest Service Road #1460 above its junction with Forest Service Road #1648, Malheur National Forest.......July 1, 2010. The photo at right shows heartleaf arnica blooming in open oak forest at Brooks Memorial State Park off US 97 near Satus Pass.......May 13, 2019.
Heartleaf arnica blooming at left under conifers along FS Road #33 near the Steins Pillar Viewpoint, Ochoco National Forest.......May 18, 2018. The photo at right shows heartleaf arnica in bloom under ponderosa pines on prehistoric Missoula Flood sandbars above the Little Spokane River near the former Spokane Country Club.......May 4, 2019.
Heartleaf arnica blooming at left along the Steins Pillar Trail #837, Ochoco National Forest..........May 21, 2017. The photo at right shows a mass of heartleaf arnica blooming under ponderosa pines along the main east-west access road through the Simcoe Mountains Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area........May 28, 2017.
Heartleaf arnica still in bloom at left under oaks along an old jeep road near Tumwater Corral Springs, Simcoe Mountains Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area.....May 22, 2022. The photo at right shows a habitat view of a nice population of heartleaf arnicas as seen in ponderosa pine forest on Missoula Flood sand and gravel bars near the Kalispel Golf & Country Club, Spokane County, WA.....May 25, 2023.
Paul Slichter