Common Dandelion
Taraxacum officinale
Synonyms: Taraxacum officinale ssp. officinale, Taraxacum officinale ssp. vulgare

Common dandelion growing on the side of Road 16 in Summit Prairie, Malheur National Forest........May 28, 2014.

Common dandelions beginning to bloom amongst weedy grasses around vernally moist pools at the junction of Miller Ranch Road and the Sprague Highway near Fishtrap Lake in eastern Washington..........April 28, 2014.
Common dandelions observed along the Pine Creek Trail #201 between the Roads End Trailhead and the junction with the Onion Creek Trail #368, Malheur National Forest and Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.....July 7, 2023.
These photos of the inflorescence and leaf of
the common dandelion were photographed at SnowKing Snow Park on Mt. Adams (elevation
~3250')........May 7, 2005.
Paul Slichter