[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2008]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington

Mount Adams: Swampy Meadows

September 6, 2008

Swampy Meadows, Mount Adams

This photo shows a view south over the drying sedge meadows of Swampy Meadows on September 6, 2008.

The study area includes the roadside along Forest Road #23 as well as the moist forest to the west of the road as well as Swampy Meadows itself.

* Indicates the plant is currently in bloom.

1. Running Ground-pine: Lycopodium clavatum -

2. Lady Fern: Athyrium filix-femina -

3. Pacific Silver Fir: Abies amabilis -

4. Grand Fir: Abies grandis -

5. Noble Fir: Abies procera -

6. Engelmann Spruce: Picea engelmannii -

7. Western White Pine: Pinus monticola -

8. Douglas Fir: Pseudotsuga menziesii -

9. Western Red Cedar: Thuja plicata -

10. Western Hemlock: Tsuga heterophylla -

11. Red Alder: Alnus rubra -

12. Dwarf Birch: Betula glandulosa -

13. Bog Willow: Salix pedicellaris -

14. Skunk Cabbage: Lysichiton americanum -

*15. Alpine Pondweed: Potamogeton alpinus -

*16. Ribbonleaf Pondweed: Potamogeton epihydrus -

17. Yellow Pond-lily: Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala -

18. Water Sedge: Carex aquatilis var. dives -

19. Star Sedge: Carex echinata ssp. echinata -

20. Wooly-fruited Sedge: Carex lasiocarpa -

21. Lakeshore Sedge: Carex lenticularis var. lipocarpa -

22. Mud Sedge: Carex limosa -

23. Woodrush Sedge: Carex luzulina var. ablata -

24. Alpine Nerved Sedge: Carex neurophora -

25. Bladder Sedge: Carex utriculata -

26. Few-flowered Spikerush: Eleocharis quinqueflora - ?

*27. Tall Cottongrass: Eriophorum angustifolium ssp. angustifolium -

28. Bead Lily: Clintonia uniflora -

29. Rosy Twisted Stalk: Streptopus lanceolatus -

30. Sticky Tofieldia: Triantha occidentalis ssp. brevistyla -

31. Wood Lily: Trillium ovatum -

32. Green False Hellebore: Veratrum viride -

33. Bear Grass: Xerophyllum tenax -

*34. Rattlesnake-plantain: Goodyera oblongifolia -

35. Heartleaf Twayblade: Listera cordata -

*36. White Bog Orchid: Platanthera dilatata (var. leucostachys ?) -

*37. Slender Bog Orchid: Platanthera stricta -

39. Western Columbine: Aquilegia formosa var. formosa -

40. White Marsh-marigold: Caltha biflora -

*41. Little Buttercup: Ranunculus uncinatus var. parviflora -

42. False Bugbane: Trautvettaria caroliniensis var. occidentalis -

43. Vanilla Leaf: Achlys triphylla -

44. English Sundew: Drosera anglica -

45. Alpine Mitrewort: Mitella pentandra -

*46. Foamflower: Tiarella trifoliata var. unifoliata -

47. Stink Currant: Ribes bracteosum -

48. Swamp Gooseberry: Ribes lacustre -

49. Serviceberry: Amelanchier alnifolia var. semiintegrifolia -

50. Purple Cinquefoil: Comarum palustre -

51. Suksdorf's Hawthorn: Crataegus gaylussacia -

52. Broad-petal Strawberry: Fragaria virginiana ssp. platypetala -

53. Large-leaved Avens: Geum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum -

54. Drummond's Cinquefoil: Potentilla drummondii ssp. drummondii -

*55. Five-leaved Bramble: Rubus pedatus -

56. Salmonberry: Rubus spectabilis -

57. Cascade Mt. Ash: Sorbus scopulina var. cascadensis -

58. Western Mt. Ash: Sorbus sitchensis var. cascadensis -

59. Hardhack: Spiraea douglasii var. douglasii -

*60. Broadleaf Lupine: Lupinus latifolius var. latifolius -

*61. White Clover: Trifolium repens -

*62. American Vetch: Vicia americana ssp. americana -

63. Marsh Violet: Viola palustris -

64. Tinker's Penny: Hypericum anagalloides -

65. Oregon Box: Pachistima myrsinites -

*66. Western Water-hemlock: Cicuta douglasii -

67. Gray's Lovage: Ligusticum grayii -

68. Purple Sweet-cicely: Osmorhiza purpurea -

69. Redosier Dogwood: Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis -

*70. Bunchberry: Cornus unalaschkensis -

*71. Pipsissewa: Chimaphila umbellata ssp. occidentalis -

72. Slender Wintergreen: Gaultheria (probably ovatifolia ?) -

*73. Wood Nymph: Moneses uniflora -

74. Sidebells Wintergreen: Orthillia secunda -

75. Pink Wintergreen: Pyrola asarifolia -

76. Oval-leaved Huckleberry: Vaccinium ovalifolium -

77. Bog Huckleberry: Vaccinium uliginosum -

78. Tall Mt. Shooting Stars: Dodecatheon jeffreyi -

79. Buckbean: Menyanthes trifoliata -

80. Tall Bluebells: Mertensia paniculata var. borealis -

*81. Northern Bugleweed: Lycopus uniflorus - ?

*82. Selfheal: Prunella vulgaris ssp. lanceolata -

*83. Cooley's Hedge-nettle: Stachys cooleyae -

*84. Suksdorf's Paintbrush: Castilleja suksdorfii -

85. Elephantheads: Pedicularis groenlandica -

86. Sickletop Lousewort: Pedicularis racemosa ssp. racemosa -

87. Fragrant Bedstraw: Galium triflorum -

*88. Twinflower: Linnaea borealis -

89. Highbush Cranberry: Viburnum edule -

90. Sitka Valerian: Valeriana sitchensis -

*91. Yarrow: Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis -

*92. Tall Mountain Aster: Canadanthus modestus -

*93. White-flowered Hawkweed: Hieracium albiflorum -

*94. Rough Cat's-ear: Hypochaeris radicata -

*95. Rocky Mt. Groundsel: Packera streptanthifolia -

96. Arrow-leaf Groundsel: Senecio triangularis -

* 97. Western Mountain Aster: Symphyotrichum spathulatum var spathulatum -

Animals Seen Aloßng the Pacific Crest Trail:

Black Bear feeding upon Bog Huckleberry

Cascade Frog

Pacific Treefrogs

California Tortoiseshell

This photo shows a view northeast towards the western slopes of Mt. Adams from Swampy Meadows.......September 6, 2008. - This photo  shows a view southwest across Swampy Meadows. Photographed on September 6, 2008.

The photo at left shows a view northeast towards the western slopes of Mt. Adams while the photo at right shows a view southwest across Swampy Meadows. Photographed on September 6, 2008.

Paul Slichter E-mail