Alpine Mitrewort, Five-stamen Bishop's-cap, Five-stamen Mitrewort
Pectiantia pentandra
Synonym: Mitella pentandra
The photo at left shows a close-up
of the flower of alpine mitrewort. Photographed in meadows along Crofton Creek
just downstream from where the Crofton Ridge Trail crosses the creek on the
southern slopes of Mt. Adams.........June 19, 2005. The photo at right shows the inflorescence of alpine mitrewort as seen along the Shorthorn Trail #12, Mt. Adams Wilderness......July 10, 2020.

The photo above shows a basal
leaf of alpine mitrewort. Photographed in meadows along Crofton Creek just downstream
from where the Crofton Ridge Trail crosses the creek on the southern slopes
of Mt. Adams...........June 19, 2005.

The photo above shows a rare stem leaf about
1/3 of the way up the scape of alpine mitrewort. Photographed in meadows along
Crofton Creek just downstream from where the Crofton Ridge Trail crosses the
creek on the southern slopes of Mt. Adams.........June 19, 2005.
Paul Slichter