Sitka Sedge
Carex aquatilis var. dives
Synonyms: Carex dives, Carex howellii, Carex panda, Carex sitchensis
These photos shows parts of the inflorescence of Sitka sedge as photographed at Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams...........August 11, 2008.
The photo above shows close-up views of Sitka sedge. Photographed in Swampy Meadodws on the western slopes of Mt. Adams.........August 11, 2008.

The photo above shows a close-up of the nodding, lowermost spikelet of Sitka sedge. Note the distinctive brownish stripes on the bracts below each perigynia. Photographed in Swampy Meadodws on the western slopes of Mt. Adams.........August 11, 2008.
The four photos above show additional views of Sitka sedge as photographed at Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams..........September 6, 2008.
The photos seen above represent late season Sitka sedge as seen in Grand Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams...........September 28, 2008.
Paul Slichter