Spring Sedge, Woodrush Sedge
Carex luzulina
Synonyms: Carex ablata, Carex luzulina var. ablata, Carex luzulina var. luzulina, Carex owyheensis

The photo above shows woodrush sedge as seen in Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams.........August
11, 2008.

The photo above shows the terminal two spikelets of woodrush sedge. Note that terminal portion of both spikelets is male, while the lower portion of each spikelet is female. Photographed in Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams........August
11, 2008.
The 2 photos above show close-ups of the perigynia and their subtending scales of woodrush sedge. Photographed in Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams........August
11, 2008.
The 2 photos above show close-ups of the inflorescence of woodrush sedge. Note the long, slender peduncle on the lowermost spikelet in the photo at right. Photographed in Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams........August
11, 2008.
The 7 photos above show views of woodrush sedge as seen along the Shorthorn Trail #16 in meadows along Shorthorn Creek.........August 24, 2008.
The 4 photos above show close-ups of woodrush sedge as photographed in Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams.................September 6, 2008.
Paul Slichter