Broad-leaved Caltha, Elkslip, Broadleaved Marsh-marigold, Marsh Marigold, White Marsh-marigold
Caltha biflora
Synonyms: Caltha biflora var. biflora, Caltha howellii, Caltha leptosepala ssp. biflora, Caltha leptosepala ssp. howellii, Caltha leptosepala var. biflora
White marsh-marigold as seen at left at Bird Creek
Meadows on the eastern slopes of Mt. Adams..........July 16, 2006. The
leaves of these plants are slightly longer than broad. White marsh-marigold as seen at right creekside in Gotchen Creek Meadows (soon after the snow had melted off), southeastern Mt. Adams, Gifford Pinchot National Forest............August 8, 2012
White marsh-marigold as seen still in bloom in upper Killen Creek Meadows, Mount Adams Wilderness............August4, 2022.

White marsh-marigold as seen at about 4300'
abreast the ridge separating the Dry Creek and Cougar Creek drainages on the
southeast side of Mt. Adams...........May 22, 2005.

White marsh-marigold as seen along the
Round the Mt. Trail #9 on the south side of Mt. Adams........August 7, 1990.
Paul Slichter