Few-flowered Aster, Giant Mountain Aster, Great Northern Aster
Canadanthus modestus
Synonyms: Aster major, Aster modestus, Aster modestus var. major, Aster sayianus, Aster unalaschensis, Aster unalaschensis var. major, Weberaster modestus

The photo above shows great northern aster as seen along the moist meadow edges of Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams..........September 6, 2008.

The photo above shows the purplish, glandular involucral bracts and stem of great northern aster as seen along the moist meadow edges of Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams.........September 6, 2008.

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower heads of great
northern aster as seen in meadows above the point where the Island Springs
Trail crosses Hell Roaring Creek on Mt. Adams..........September 5, 2004.
Note the glandular involucre. These plants were seen about 100 feet west of N 46¾ 09.817'
W 121¾ 24.132' Elevation: 4740' +/- 30'

The photo above shows the spreading, gland-tipped hairs found
over much of the stem and onto the leaf margins of great northern aster.........August
25, 2005.

The photo above shows the long, lanceolate leaf blade of great
norther aster with its sessile base.........August 25, 2005.

The photo above shows the inflorescence of great northern aster
as taken at the same location as the coordinates at the top of the page.........August
25, 2005. This species may also be easily seen at the same time along Road #23
at its junction with Road #8810. Note the purplish tinge to the involucral bracts.
Additional photos of great northern aster as seen around the margins of Swampy Meadows, western slopes of Mt. Adams...........August 30, 2012.

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower
heads of great northern aster as seen in meadows above the point where the Island
Springs Trail crosses Hell Roaring Creek on Mt. Adams..........September
5, 2004.

The photo above shows a close-up of a stem leaf of great northern
aster as seen in meadows above the point where the Island Springs Trail crosses
Hell Roaring Creek on Mt. Adams..........September 5, 2004.

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower
heads of great northern aster as seen in meadows above the point where the Island
Springs Trail crosses Hell Roaring Creek on Mt. Adams..........September
5, 2004. Note the glandular stem and involucre.
Paul Slichter