[Shootingstars: The Genus Dodecatheon in Mt. Adams Country]

Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star

Dodecatheon jeffreyi

Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi

Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi)

The photo above shows the attractive, pendant blossoms of alpine shootingstar as seen at Bird Creek Meadows on the eastern side of Mt. Adams.........July 16, 2006. The snow has melted from this location within the past week.

Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi) - Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi)

Tall mountain shooting star observed at left in bloom along a stream on the Shorthorn Trail #12, Mt. Adams Wilderness.......July 10, 2020. Tall mountain shooting stars as seen at right on the moist banks of Killen Creek near its headwaters on the north side of Mt. Adams........August 29, 2012.

Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi)

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower of Jeffrey's shooting star as seen in a moist seep at about 4300' abreast the ridge between the Dry Creek and Cougar Creek drainages on the southeast side of Mt. Adams.........May 22, 2005.

Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi) - Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi)

Two close-up photos of the flower of Jeffrey's shooting star as seen in a moist seep at about 4300' abreast the ridge between the Dry Creek and Cougar Creek drainages on the southeast side of Mt. Adams.........May 29, 2005.

Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi) - Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi)

Tall mountain shooting star as observed in wet meadows above Killen Creek Meadows, Mt. Adams Wilderness.......August 28, 2020.

Close-up of a flower of Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi) - Close-up of a flower of Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi)

Close-ups of the flower of tall mountain shooting star as seen in moist meadows along the Climbers Trail in Bird Creek Meadows, about one-half mile east of the Hellroaring Overlook............August 14, 2012. Note the capitate (expanded) stigma, 4 petals and glabrous peduncle.

Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi) - Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi)

Tall mountain shooting star as observed in wet meadows above Killen Creek Meadows, Mt. Adams Wilderness.......August4, 2022.

Paul Slichter