[The Primrose Family on Mt. Adams]

The Shooting Stars of Mt. Adams

The Genus Dodecatheon

Alpine Shootingstar, Alpine Shooting Star: Dodecatheon alpinum (Synonyms: Dodecatheon alpinum ssp. alpinum, Dodecatheon alpinum ssp. majus) - 4 petals. Sepals & stems glabrous. Plants of seeps and very moist meadows. Evidently very rare (not recently seen) on the mountain.

Bonneville Shooting Star, Desert Shootingstar, Desert Shooting Star, Slimpod Shooting Star: Dodecatheon conjugens (Synonyms: Dodecatheon conjugens ssp. conjugens, Dodecatheon conjugens ssp. leptophyllum, Dodecatheon conjugens ssp. viscidum, Dodecatheon conjugens var. beamishiae, Dodecatheon conjugens var. conjugens, Dodecatheon conjugens var. viscidum, Dodecatheon viscidum, Primula conjugens, Primula conjugens var. viscida) - 5 petals. Plants of drier meadows. Filament tube very short. Pedicels and scape generally glabrous. Collected east of Mt. Adams at Klickitat Meadows.

Jeffrey's Shootingstar, Jeffrey's Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Synonyms: Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. viviparum, Primula jeffreyi) - 4-5 petals. Sepals & stems glandular-hairy. Plants of seeps and very moist meadows.

Poet's Shootingstar, Poet's Shooting Star, Narcissus Shooting Star: Dodecatheon poeticum (Synonym: Primula poetica) - 5 petals. Plants of drier meadows. Filament tube about 2 mm longer than that of desert shooting star. Pedicels and scape generally covered with some to many gland-tipped hairs.

Paul Slichter