[Wildflower Bloom in the Columbia River Gorge: 2007]

Wildflowers to be Seen during an NPSO Fieldtrip to Eastern Columbia River Gorge

September 29, 2007 & October 7, 2007

The following plants were observed during a scouting trip on Saturday September 29, 2007 as well as during a Native Plant Society of Oregon field trip on October 7, 2007. A number of other weedy species (not listed here) were also observed in bloom.

The number at the end of each entry refers to the position the plant occupies in "Wildflowers of the Columbia Gorge" by Russ Jolley. Plants presceded by an asterik (*) are currently still blooming.

1. Mountain Alder: Alnus incana -

2. White Alder: Alnus rhombifolia -

3. Black Cottonwood: Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa

4. Bigleaf Maple: Acer macrophyllum -

5. Oregon White Oak: Quercus garryana -

6. Almond: Prunus sp. ?

7. Hackberry: Celtis reticulata -

8. Russian Olive: Elaeagnus angustifolia -

9. Daggerleaf Rush ? : Juncus ensifolius -

10. Straw-colored Flatsege: Cyperus strigosus -

* 11. Heart-leaf Buckwheat: Eriogonum compositum var. compositum (white-flowered form) - #74 (1 large plant in bloom.)

* 12. Tall Buckwheat: Eriogonum elatum - # 77

* 13. Strict Buckwheat: Eriogonum strictum var. proliferum - #78

* 14. Wire-stem Buckwheat: Eriogonum vimineum - #81 A few plants still in bloom.

* 15. Willow Weed: Polygonum lapathifolium - #87

* 16. Wiry Knotweed: Polygonum majus - #88 Fairly common.

* 17. Ladysthumb : Polygonum persicaria -

18. Veiny Dock: Rumex venosus - #92 Not in bloom, but leaves visible.

* 19. Goosefoot: Chenopodium sp. -

* 20. Tumbleweed: Salsola kali - #93

* 21. Soapwort: Saponaria officinalis - #114

22. Shore Buttercup: Ranunculus cymbalaria - #141

* 23. California Poppy: Eschscholzia californica - #157

* 24. Western Yellow Cress: Rorippa curvisiliqua var. curvisiliqua - #188

25. Bitterbrush: Purshia tridentata - #257

* 26. Alfalfa: Medicago sativa -

27. Western False Indigo: Amorpha occidentalis - #278

* 28. Everlasting Pea: Lathyrus latifolius - #286

* 29. Bird's-foot Trefoil: Lotus corniculatus - #290

* 30. Velvet Lupine: Lupinus leucophyllus - #302 (White flowers) Fairly common around the Dallesport, WA and along SR-14 at US 197.

* 31. Prairie Lupine: Lupinus lepidus var. aridus - #301 Occasional

* 32. Hybrid Lupine: Lupinus leucophyllus X sericeus - #378 Fairly Common. (Photos to be added later this week.) Plants on the Oregon side of the river seem to have a more open inflorescence, reminiscent of L. sericeus while those on the Washington side of the river tend to be a much tighter, elongated inflorescence reminiscent of L. leucophyllus. Flower color ranges from white near the Dallesport, hot pink near Avery, to more bluish neary Maryhill.

* 33. Hybrid Lupine: Lupinus leucophyllus X sericeus - One plant in bloom about 1.5 miles west of Biggs, OR. With a key, this would probably key out as Lupinus sericeus, but the banner is too far forward (pretty much the same flower as the hybrid listed above). Like the hybrid above, the upper edge of the keel is curved and comes to a fairly long, tapered point.

* 34. White Sweet-clover: Melilotus alba - #309

35. Lance-leaf Scurf-pea: Psoralea lanceolata - #310

* 36. Strawberry Clover: Trifolium fragiferum -

* 37. White Clover: Trifolum repens -

* 38. Red Clover: Trifolium pratense -

* 39. Filaree: Erodium cicutarium - #325

40. Poison Oak: Rhus diversiloba - #329 (Leaves turning bright red.)

41. Western Sumac: Rhus glabra - #330 (Leaves turning bright red.)

42. Poison Oak, Poison Ivy: Rhus radicans #331 (Leaves turning bright red.)

* 43. Deer Brush: Ceanothus integerrimus - #334 A few plants in rebloom near Bingen, WA.

* 44. Blazing Star: Mentzelia laevicaulis var. laevicaulis - #350 A few plants still blooming along SR 14 east of US 97.

* 45. Scarlet Ammannia: Ammannnia coccinea - #352 Fading out of bloom.

* 46. Annual Willow-herb: Epilobium brachyarpum (formerly Epilobium paniculatum) - #731

* 47. Pale Evening-primrose: Oenothera pallida - #376 A few plants blooming in dunes near SR 14 beneath the Goodnoe Hills Rd.

48. Hemp Dogbane: Apocynum cannabinum - #448 Past bloom.

* 49. Narrow-leaf Milkweed: Asclepias fascicularis - #449 Fading out of bloom & going to seed.

* 50. Field Morning Glory: Convolvulus arvensis - #451

* 51. Silver-leaf Phacelia: Phacelia hastata - #474

* 52. Bracted Verbena: Verbena bracteata - #499

53. Rough Bugleweed: Lycopus asper - #503

* 54. Field Mint: Mentha arvensis - #505

* 55. Peppermint: Mentha piperita -

* 56. Spearmint: Mentha spicata -

* 57. Jimson Weed: Datura stramonium - #516

58. Mudwort: Limosella aquatica - #533

* 59. Dalmatian Toad-flax: Linaria dalmatica - #534

* 60. Cut-leaf Penstemon: Penstemon richardsonii var. richardsonii - #560

* 61. Common Mullein: Verbascum thapsus - #570

* 62. Water Speedwell: Veronica anagallis-aquatica - #572

* 63. Sand Dune Broomrape, Suksdorf's Broomrape: Orobanche ludoviciana - #576

64. Indian-wheat: Plantago patagonica - #579

* 65. Chicory: Cichorum intybus - #610 Fading out of bloom.

* 66. Tumble Knapweed: Centaurea diffusa - #632

* 67. Spotted Knapweed: Centaurea maculosa - #633

68. Wavy-leaf Thistle: Cirsium undulatum - #638

69. Pearly Everlasting: Anaphalis margaritacea - #641 Going to seed.

* 70. Lowland Cudweed: Gnaphalium palustre - #649

* 71. Marsh Cudweed: Gnaphalium uliginosum -

* 72. Eaton's Aster: Symphyotrichum eatonii (formerly Aster eatonii) - #654 A few plants seen.

* 73. Western Aster: Symphyotrichum spathulatum (formerly Aster occidentalis) - #660

* 74. Douglas' Aster: Symphyotrichum subspicatum (formerly Aster subspicatus) - #665

* 75. Hairy Goldaster: Heterotheca villosa (formerly Chrysopsis villosa) - #666 Should still be in bloom.

* 76. Gray Rabbit Brush: Ericameria nauseosum (formerly Chrysothamnus nauseosus) - #667 Definitely will still be in bloom.

* 77. Green Rabbit Brush: Ericameria viscidiflora (formerly Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus) - #668 Should still be in bloom.

* 78. Thread-leaf Fleabane: Erigeron filifolius - #671 Often reblooms in the fall.

* 79. Low Gumweed: Grinelia nana var. integrifolia - #680

80. Match Brush: Gutierrezia sarothrae - #681

* 81. Hall's goldenweed: Columbiadora hallii (formerly Haplopappus hallii) - #683

* 82. Columbia Goldenweed: Ericameria resinosa (formerly Haplopappus resinosus) - #684

* 83. Hoary Aster: Machaeranthera canescens - #685

* 84. Meadow Goldenrod: Solidago canadensis - #686 Fading out of bloom.

* 85. Late Goldenrod: Solidago gigantea - #687 Fading out of bloom.

* 86. Western Goldenrod: Euthamia occidentalis (formerly Solidago occidentalis) - #688

* 87. Annual Bursage: Ambrosia acanthicarpa -

* 88. Biennial Wormwood: Artemisia biennis - #709

89. Northern Wormwood: Artemisia campestris var. scouleriana - #710

* 90. Dragon Wormwood: Artemisia dracunculus - #712

* 91. Riverbank Wormwood: Artemisia lindleyana - #713

92. Western Wormwood: Artemisia ludoviciana - #714

* 93. Rigid Sagebrush: Artemisia rigida - #715

* 94. Big Sagebrush: Artemisia tridentata - #718 Should be in bloom.

* 95. Nodding Beggar Ticks: Bidens cernua - #725

* 96. Leafy Beggar Ticks: Bidens frondosa - #726

* 97. Columbia Coreopsis: Coreopsis atkinsoniana - #728

* 98. Sneezeweed: Helenium autumnale var. grandiflorum - #732 Fading out of bloom.

* 99. Common Sunflower: Helianthus annuus - #734

* 100. Rabbit Leaf: Lagophylla ramosissima - #735 A few plants still in bloom.

* 101. Common Cocklebur: Xanthium strumarium - #744

Paul Slichter E-mail