[Brooklimes, Kittentails and Speedwells: The Genus Veronica in the Columbia River
Gorge of Oregon and Washington]
Blue Speedwell, Water Speedwell, Water Pimpernel
Veronica anagallis-aquatica
Synonyms: Veronica anagallis, Veronica comosa, Veronica comosa var. glaberrima, Veronica comosa var. glandulosa, Veronica connata ssp. glaberrima, Veronica connata var. glaberrima, Veronica connata var. typica, Veronica glandifera, Veronica grandiflora, Veronica x lackschewitzii, Veronica micromeria, Veronica salina
This photo shows a close-up of the inflorescence of water speedwell.
Note the pair of twisted stamens which extend beyond the throat
of the flower.
Water speedwell is found along the shores of rivers, steams,
and lakes, in roadside ditches, and in wet meadows. It typically inhabits water
no deeper than 4 inches, and is common in slow-moving water or in shallow pools.
In the Columbia River Gorge it is found between the elevations
of 0'-4000' across the whole length of the Gorge.
The photo above shows a close-up of water speedwell as seen on the beach at The Dalles Riverside Park........September 29, 2007.
The photo above shows the upper and mid-stem leaves of water speedwell as seen in a wetland at the Dalles Riverside Park........October 7, 2006.
The photo above show a close-up of the sessile leaf bases of water speedwell. Photographed along in wetlands at the Dalles Riverside Park.......October 7, 2006.
The photo above shows a close-up of the stem leaves of water speedwell as seen on the beach at The Dalles Riverside Park.........September 29, 2007.
Water speedwell as seen in a moist riparian area at Horsethief Butte in the eastern Columbia River Gorge........May 10, 2009.
Examples of water speedwell as seen in a drainage at the base of sheer basalt cliffs along Interstate 84 about one-half mile west of Celilo, OR.......September 27, 2011.
Water speedwell blooming on moist ground along the Columbia River shoreline near the Sandy River Delta.........September 8, 2012.
Paul Slichter