Garry Oak, Oregon White Oak
Quercus garryana var. garryana
A nice cluster of Oregon white oaks with some poison oak at their base as seen at left on west Tracy Hill, Catherine Creek, Columbia River Gorge........May 20, 2011. The photo at right shows a close view of the leaves and inflorescences of an Oregon white oak atop Mill Creek Ridge, Mill Creek Ridge Preserve, a Columbia Land Trust property.......May 9, 2023..
The photo at left shows a close-up of the pinnately
lobed leaf of Oregon white oak as seen at 4100' at a DNR rock quarry atop the
ridge dividing the Cougar and Dairy Creek drainages at the southeastern corner
of Mt. Adams.......July 10, 2005.
The photo at right shows a close-up of the pinnately lobed leaf
of Oregon white oak as seen at 4100' at a DNR rock quarry atop the ridge dividing
the Cougar and Dairy Creek drainages at the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams.......June
12, 2005. The glossy, upper leaf surface is shown at the left while the short-haired
ventral leaf surface is shown at right.

A nicely shaped Oregon white oak as seen on a rocky point on USFS land to the northeast of the junction of Highway 30 and Marsh Cutoff Road at Memaloose in the Columbia River Gorge...........March 28.
The photos at left and center show Oregon white oak beginning to bloom on slopes above Canyon Creek in the Klickitat State Wildlife Area.......May 8, 2009. The photo at right was photographed along the Soda Springs Road in the Klickitat State Wildlife Area.......April 30, 2010.

A fairly old Oregon white oak that is stunted in its growth due to constant browsing by deer (and perhaps elk) observed between Marsh and Dell Roads, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area......November 16, 2023. The plant is about 8' wide and about a foot high.
The photo at left shows Oregon white oak as seen at about 4100' at a rock quarry
atop the ridge separating the Dairy Creek and Cougar Creek drainages at the
southeastern corner of Mt. Adams........May 23, 2005. The photo at right shows Oregon white oak with male catkins beginning to bloom along the Memaloose Trail east of Mosier, OR........April 21, 2017.
An oak apple wasp gall on a young Oregon white oak sapling as seen in oak-conifer forest on the western slopes of the Klickitat River opposite from Stinson Flats, Klickitat Wildlife Area........May 15, 2013. These are the largest and densest of the oak galls in the Pacific Northwest. They are thick walled and have a pithy core. The wasp is evidently Andricus californicus.

A large Oregon white oak as seen at the end of the South Klickitat Breaks Road, Klickitat Wildlife Area...........May 17, 2014.
Several views of fairly large Oregon white oaks beginning to leaf out and bloom along Eightmile Creek in Columbia Hills State Park.........April 14, 2013. The oaks in this area suffered greatly during an ice storm during the late winter of 2011-2012 with many oaks losing branches or even being split in two. These particular two oaks had Lewis' woodpeckers perching in them minutes before the photos were taken.
Oregon white oaks as seen along Eightmile Creek in Columbia Hills State Park.........October 26, 2014.
A good view (photo at right) of the overall form of Oregon white oak as seen at Columbia Hills State Park........November 23, 2013. One can fairly easily see how it is shaped by the wind which blows largely from the west here (from right to left). This oak is next to the recently rebuilt shack about one-half mile downhill from the parking area for the Columbia Hills NAP. The photo at right shows Oregon white oaks in their colorful fall color from a grove along one of the upper branches of Fivemile Creek in the northwest corner of the Columbia Hills State Park.........October 18, 2015.
A germinating Oregon white oak acorn and the overal form of
Oregon white oak as seen high on Tracy Hill at Catherine Creek, Columbia River Gorge........November 29, 2016.
Oregon white oak beginning to bloom and leaf out along the lower one-half mile stretch of the Lyle-Cherry Orchard Trail, one-half mile east of Lyle, WA..........April 2, 2015.
Inflorescences and young leaves of Oregon white oak as seen at left along old highway 8 adjacent to Rowland Lake, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.......April 3, 2018. The photo at right shows the inflorescences and young leaves of Oregon white oak as seen at Mill Creek Ridge Preserve, a Columbia Land Trust property outside The Dalles, OR.......April 28, 2019.
Paul Slichter