Tree-of-heaven: Ailanthus altissima (Synonym: Ailanthus glandulosa)
Giant Chinquapin, Golden Chinquapin: Chrysolepis chrysophylla var. chrysophylla (Synonym: Castanopsis chrysophylla var. chrysophylla)
Pacific Dogwood in the Columbia River Gorge
The Alders of the Columbia River Gorge
Birch in the Columbia River Gorge
The Filberts and Hazelnuts of the Columbia River Gorge
The Aspen and Cottonwoods of the Columbia River Gorge
The Elm Family in the Columbia River Gorge
Willows of the Columbia River Gorge
The Maples of the Columbia River Gorge
Oregon White Oak in the Columbia River Gorge
The Olive or Ash Family in the Columbia River Gorge
The Mulberry or Fig Family in the Columbia River Gorge
Bearbrush, Fremont's Silk Tassel: Garrya fremontii (Synonym: Garrya fremontii var. laxa) -