[Bugleweeds: The Genus Lycopus in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Pacific Water Horehound, Rough Bugleweed, Rough Water-horehound

Lycopus asper

Synonyms: Lycopus lucidus, Lycopus lucidus ssp. americanus, Lycopus lucidus var. americanus

Pacific Water Horehound, Rough Bugleweed, Rough Water-horehound: Lycopus asper (Synonyms: Lycopus lucidus, Lycopus lucidus ssp. americanus, Lycopus lucidus var. americanus)

The photo above shows a close-up of the upper stem with paired opposite leaves and several sets of axillary flower clusters. Photographed along an irrigation canal found along the Willard Springs Trail at Conboy Lake National Wildlife Reguge.......July 28, 2006.


Western water-hound is a perennial wildflower with erect, simple or branched stems from 20-80 cm high arising from tuberous rhizomes. The stem is covered with spreading hairs below, less so above, or with spreading hairs along the 4 edges of the square stems. The leaves range from glabrous to rough or covered with short to long, stiff hairs on the upper surface of the blade. The leaves are opposite on the stems, only slightly reduced in size upwards on the stem, and often oriented at an angle to the pair above and below them. The blades are elliptic in outline, measuring from 3.5-10 cm long and 0.6-3.5 cm wide. Most leaves are sessile or nearly sessile, with a few tapering gradually to a short petiole. The margins are evenly but coarsely toothed.

The inflorescence consists of clusters of flowers arising from the axils of the upper leaves. The 5 calyx lobes are narrowly triangular with a prominent midnerve, and distinctly longer than the mature nutlets after flowering. The white corolla is 4-lobed, with three the same size and one broader than the others. The corolla is 3-5 mm long, barely extending past the calyx.


Western water-horehound may be found at lower elevations in the valleys in moist soils in marshes and along the shores of rivers, lakes and streams.


Western water-horehound may be found from southern British Columbia south across the Pacific Northwest (to the east of the Cascade Mts.) to California and east to Saskatchewan, Minnesota, Iowa and Colorado.

In the Columbia River Gorge, it may be found in wetlands along the Columbia River from adjacent to Beacon Rock in the west and eastward to near the mouth of the Deschutes River.

Axillary inflorescence of Pacific Water Horehound, Rough Bugleweed, Rough Water-horehound: Lycopus asper (Synonyms: Lycopus lucidus, Lycopus lucidus ssp. americanus, Lycopus lucidus var. americanus)

The photo above shows a close-up view of one of the compacted, axillary inflorescences of rough bugleweed. Note the slightly flaring, white corolla tube with short lobes which do not flare outwards greatly and purplish anthers which barely extend past the upper corolla lobes.......July 28, 2006.

Stem leaf of Pacific Water Horehound, Rough Bugleweed, Rough Water-horehound: Lycopus asper (Synonyms: Lycopus lucidus, Lycopus lucidus ssp. americanus, Lycopus lucidus var. americanus)

The photo above shows a dentate stem leaf of rough bugleweed......July 28, 2006.

Dorsal leaf surface of Pacific Water Horehound, Rough Bugleweed, Rough Water-horehound: Lycopus asper (Synonyms: Lycopus lucidus, Lycopus lucidus ssp. americanus, Lycopus lucidus var. americanus)

The photo above shows a close-up of the upper surface of a leaf of rough bugleweed as seen on the beach at The Dalles Riverside Park......September 29, 2007.

Ventral leaf surface of Pacific Water Horehound, Rough Bugleweed, Rough Water-horehound: Lycopus asper (Synonyms: Lycopus lucidus, Lycopus lucidus ssp. americanus, Lycopus lucidus var. americanus)

The photo above shows a close-up of the lower surface of a leaf of rough bugleweed as seen on the beach at The Dalles Riverside Park.......September 29, 2007.

Paul Slichter