First Year IB Biology at GHS
Period 1
Tuesday January 24, 2007
Semester Final: Review Online
Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis - Notes
Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis - NOVA Flash animation
Animal Cell Mitosis - Cells Alive animation
Codominance ?
Friday January 19, 2007
Homework: Review for Final (The final is over material covered from January 2 to January 19. I will make a link for review online soon!)
Due: Writeups for the "Replication of Eukaryotic Cells" Lab. See description of what to do from Friday January 12th!
1. Meiosis Diagram (See Handout)
2. Clicker Quiz on Meiosis (Meiosis Review #1) (Meiosis Review #2)
3. Create a Venn Diagram to Compare (Similarities and Differences) Between Meiosis and Mitosis
4. Introductory Genetics Terminology
5. Simple Genetics Problems
Wednesday January 17, 2007 ( Snow day!.........No School!)
Friday January 12, 2007
Homework: a) Clicker Quiz on Meiosis Next Time (Review Online here.)
b) Brief writeups of the Replication of Eukaryotic Cells Lab are due on Wednesday Jan. 17.
The writeups should include:
i) labelled drawings of plant and animal cells in the 5 stages of division (interphase --->telophase). Use all labels from d1 of the handout that apply to each drawing. Some labels are found on all stages, some labels are on only a couple drawings.
ii) Data tables of class data and final converted numbers (use the equation from page 140/141 of the lab books)
iii) Provide a graph of the final class averages. Plot hours at the stage vs stage.
iv) Write a brief conclusion stating the final calculated times for each stage. Provide several explanations if you can why the data differs from group to group, class to class!
1. Cloning of Sheep (See Handout)
2. Clone a Mouse (See how cloning can be done, no matter what the animal.)
5. What are Some Issues of Cloning?
6. Stem Cells Update: A new technique for creating stem cells may ease ethical concerns.
7. Meiosis (See notes handout & Diagram)
Wednesday January 10, 2007 - Morning Assembly Schedule Today (73 min. classes)
Homework: a) Finish writeup of Cell Division in Eukaryotic Cells Lab
1) Quiz: Stages of Mitosis (Review Online)
2) Finish Cell Division in Eukaryotic Cells Lab
3) Cloning
4) Cloning a Mouse
Monday January 8, 2007
Homework: a) Review Online for Cell Division Quiz
b) Draw Table 3.2 for completion of lab next time (Lab book: page 139)
c) Bring Lab books next time!
Due: a) Review for Cell Division Test
b) Late Osmosis Inquiries
1) Collect Review for Cell Division Test
2) Clicker Quiz on Mitosis (Review Online 1st!)
3) Lab: Cell Division in Eukaryotic Cells
Thursday January 4, 2007
Due: Osmosis Inquiry Write-ups (See Tuesday Jan 2 assignment info below for links to help write inquiry!)
Bring Lab Books Today and Monday
1. Finish Cell Cycle
2. Introduce Mitosis & Cytokinesis (See Individual Links regarding Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase)
3. Clicker Quiz on material from today.
4. Lab: Cell Division in Eukaryotic Cells (Bring Lab Books Today!)
Tuesday January 2, 2007
Homework: Osmosis Inquiry Writeups due Thursday January 4!
Bring Lab Books on Thursday and Monday next week for lab work we will be doing!
1) Hand back previous Enzyme Inquiry. See examples of the Enzyme Inquiry online.
2) Discuss any problems with Osmosis Inquiry Writeups. You should have Planning a, Planning b, and your Data Collection mostly finished! (If not, get busy!) Think how you want to display your final data (What final data tables or graphs will help provide an answer for your question?) What calculations do you need to do to accomplish this task? Come up with questions to ask in class, or e-mail me via the school e-mail.
3) See the following links for help with writing individual sections of your inquiry: [Planning a], [Planning b], [Data Collection], [Data Preparation and Presentation], [Conclusion & Experiment Analysis]. Equations and Formula to Manipulate your Data With. See the following website for further information on writing up IB lab inquiries: Lab Write-ups .
4) Introduction to the Cell Cycle and to nuclear division (mitosis) . - See Handout for aid with notes.
5) Clicker Quiz on Cell Cycle from material covered during this day?
Thursday December 14, 2006
1) Osmosis Inquiry
Tuesday December 12, 2006 (2 Hour Late Start Schedule)
1. Prepare for Osmosis Inquiry (Introduction & Planning b). Bring any supplies you will need to class next time!
2. See examples of the Enzyme Inquiry online.
3. Planning a (Background info, Question/Hypothesis, & variables), Planning b (materials list & Procedure), Data Collection (Tables), and Graph/s. We will deal with further analysis of your results and the conclusion next Tuesday! Data Presentation & Processing (Graph/s and statistical analysis of results), and Conclusion and Evaluation (listing lab results, comparison to the hypothesis, explanation of results, and potential problems with the lab, and specific ways to improve the lab. See the following website for further information on writing up IB lab inquiries: Lab Write-ups .
Friday December 8, 2006
1. Cells & Microscope Exam (Review Online)
2. Prepare for Osmosis Inquiry (Choose experiment & Planning a)
3. See examples of the Enzyme Inquiry online.
4. Planning a (Background info, Question/Hypothesis, & variables), Planning b (materials list & Procedure), Data Collection (Tables), and Graph/s. We will deal with further analysis of your results and the conclusion next Tuesday! Data Presentation & Processing (Graph/s and statistical analysis of results), and Conclusion and Evaluation (listing lab results, comparison to the hypothesis, explanation of results, and potential problems with the lab, and specific ways to improve the lab. See the following website for further information on writing up IB lab inquiries: Lab Write-ups .
Wednesday December 6, 2006
Homework: Study for Friday's Exam (Review Online)
Due: Review WS for Cell Exam (Correct in Class!)
1. Osmosis Lab
2. Review Game for Exam
Monday December 4, 2006
Homework: Study for Friday's Exam
2. Correct Lab: Observing Osmosis in Plant Cells
3. Theory of Endosymbiosis (See Animation at bottom of page.)
4. Cell Size
5. Begin Review for Cell Exam
Wednesday November 29, 2006
Homework: Finish notes online about Active Transport (See handout)
Begin reviewing for the Unit Test on Cell Structue, Microscopes & Cell Transport
Review for Clicker Quiz on Active Transport on Monday!
Due: All missing work is due by this afternoon! (12 weeks grades)
1) Review Membranes & Membrane Proteins
2) Clicker Quiz on Cell Membranes & Membrane Proteins (Review Cell Membranes and Membrane Proteins here!)
3) Lab: Observing Osmosis in Living Onion Cells (See Lab Handout)
4) Active Transport Notes (See Handout)
Monday November 27, 2006
Progress Reports are being calculated this week. All missing work is due no later than Wednesday afternoon!
Homework: (Review Cell Membranes and Membrane Proteins here for Clicker Quiz on Wednesday!)
1) Review of Diffusion/Osmosis: (See Handout)
2) Lab: Creating a Cell Model & Observing Diffusion / Osmosis - Observe and analyze results (See handout.)
3) Clicker Quiz on Passive Transport today (Review Online)
4) Notes: Plasma Membranes are Phospholipid Bilayers & Membrane Protein
Tuesday November 21, 2006: Progress Report Grades are at the end of next week!
Due: All missing work & lab work (come in before school, during lunch or after school today to complete and turn in work!)
1) Passive Transport Notes only through Ion Channels (See Handout)
2) Diffusion/Osmosis Examples: (See Handout)
3) Lab: Creating a Cell Model & Observing Diffusion / Osmosis
4) Clicker Quiz on Passive Transport on Monday (Review Online)
Friday November 17, 2006
Homework: Complete your Cell Labs (Write answers in complete sentences. Make Drawings of each cell type at least several inches across and label organelles seen. Indicate the total magnification of the lenses used to see the cell, estimate the cell size, and calculate the drawing magnification). Drawings should be on plain white paper.
Due: a) Late Microscope Labs
b) Makeup missed Clicker Quizzes
1. Review for Quiz
2. Microscope & Cell Quiz (Review Online here!)
3. Begin Cell Membranes ?
Wednesday November 15, 2006
Homework: a) Review Online for Friday's Microscope & Cell Quiz (no notes allowed on this!)
b) Finish Cell Lab before school, during lunch or after school (only on blue days!)
Due: a) Microscope Lab
b) Late Open Note Microscope & Cell Quizzes (Due no later than the beginning of the period!)
1. Clicker Quiz on Eukaryotic Cells Today ( Review online )
2. Comparison of Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells
3. Video: Cells
4. Finish Cell Lab (Bring Lab Books today!)
Monday November 13, 2006 (PM Assembly Schedule for 1st Place State Volleyball: 76 min. periods)
Homework: a) Review online for Clicker Quiz on Eukaryotic Cells on Wednesday!
Due: Late Open Note Microscope & Cell Quizzes
1) Clicker Quiz on Eukaryotic Cell Organelles (Review Online)
2) Estimating Cell Size and Determining Drawing Magnification (See Handout)
2) Begin Cell Lab (If you are not finished with the microscope lab, come in before school, after school or lunchtime ASAP!)
Wednesday November 8, 2006
Homework: a) Review WS for Microscope & Cell Quiz
b) Clicker Quiz on Eukaryotic Cell Parts (Identify & list function) See online Review of Identification of Cell Organelles & Their Function
c) Read textbook: Psychedelic Tasmanian Wolf Book: pp. 84-95
Nemo Book: pp. 86-97
Due: a) Turn in late Enzyme Inquiries!
b) Turn in Open Note Quiz on Microscopes and Cells
1. Clicker Quiz on Prokaryotic Cells (There are diagrams you have not seen yet on this quiz, so click here to review them!)
2. Identify Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells - See handout on plant & animal cell organelles.
3. Online Review of Identification of Cell Organelles & Their Function
4. Finish Microscope Lab
5. Begin Cell Lab (Write your microscope number or letter on this lab, as well as the Field of View Diameter for low, medium and high power lenses for use with your drawings in this lab.)
Monday November 6, 2006
Due: a) Turn in Enzyme Inquiries! If not turned in during class, e-mail them as Word attachment by Monday evening without penalty.
Homework for Wednesday :
1) Bring lab books on Wednesday. We will finish the microscope lab, then start the cell lab where you will definitely need the lab books!2) Read in your text book:
Psychedelic Tasmanian Wolf Texts: pp 68-74, 77-83
Nemo Book: pp 70 - 78, 79-85
3) Review for Clicker Quiz on Prokaryotic Cells (See Online Review: First Review of Prokaryotic Cells as there are new pictures in this review that you will be required to know for this quiz!)
4) Online Reviews of Cells - These links can help you familiarize yourself with the different cell organelles, what they look like and what they do!
1) Eukaryotic Cells & Organelle Notes (See handout.)
2) Clicker Quiz on Cell Theory with some info from the above notes (Review online at First Review of Cells)
3) Open note quiz on all cell & microscope unit material we have covered in class to this point.
Thursday November 2, 2006 (Bring Lab Books this Week!)
Homework: Enzyme Inquiries Due Monday! (See hints below!)
a) Clicker Quiz on Cell Theory on Monday: Review online at First Review of Cells
b) Read: Psychodelic Tasmanian Wolf Texts: pp 68-74, 77-83
c) Online Reviews: a) Using the Microscope
c) Review of Prokaryotic (bacterial) and Animal & Plant Cells (BBC Science Website)
Inquiry Hints:
a) When calculating standard deviation, use the time and foam amount data for each trial to find the reaction rate for that trial. Then repeat for all the trials at that temperature or concentration. Now find the standard deviation from those 3-5 trials. Repeat all of this for the other trials of your temp or concentration data!
b) Planning a (Background info, Question/Hypothesis, & variables), Planning b (materials list & Procedure), Data Collection (Tables), and Graph/s. We will deal with further analysis of your results and the conclusion next Tuesday! Data Presentation & Processing (Graph/s and statistical analysis of results), and Conclusion and Evaluation (listing lab results, comparison to the hypothesis, explanation of results, and potential problems with the lab, and specific ways to improve the lab. See the following website for further information on writing up IB lab inquiries: Lab Write-ups .
1. Clicker Quiz on Microscopes (Review online at First Review of Microscopes)
2. Cell Theory Notes - See Handout.
4. Finish Microscope Lab
Tuesday October 31, 2006 (Bring Lab Books this Week!)
Homework: Enzyme Inquiries Due Monday November 6, 2006! See the online Inquiry Write-up Help Page.
Read texts: Nemo Books: pp. 70-77, 79-85
Psychodelic Tasmanian Wolf Texts: pp 68-74, 77-83
1. IB Scoring Guide (continued)- Writing your first IB Biology Inquiry: Data Presentation & Processing (Graph/s and statistical analysis of results), and Conclusion and Evaluation (listing lab results, comparison to the hypothesis, explanation of results, and potential problems with the lab, and specific ways to improve the lab.
Thursday October 26, 2006
a) Enzyme Inquiries Due Thursday November 6, 2006! Work on them and bring in questions for Tuesday's Class!
b) Clicker Quiz on Monday on Microscopes. Review online at First Review of Microscopes.
1. Introduction to the IB Inquiry Scoring Guide (See handout).
3. Begin write-up of Enzyme Inquiry: Planning a (Background info, Question/Hypothesis, & variables), Planning b (materials list & Procedure), Data Collection (Tables), and Graph/s. We will deal with further analysis of your results and the conclusion next Tuesday! See the following website for further information on writing up IB lab inquiries: Lab Write-ups .