[Chapter 6: Cell Membranes]

Chapter 6

Cell Membranes

Phospholipids: foundation of cell membrane

Hydrophilic: polar, water loving head made of phospholipid.

Hydrophobic: nonpolar, water fearing tails made of 2 fatty acid chains


The cholesterol makes the phospholipid bilayer less fluid at moderate temperatures, but slightly more liquid than it normally would be at cold temperatures. This helps maintain its functionality and strength over a wide range of temperatures.

Fluid Mosaic Model of Cell Membranes

Proposes that proteins float in the fluid lipid bilayer (like boats on a pond)

It states that proteins float in the lipid bilayer, some anchored, others floating freely. Occasional cholesterol molecules add extra fluidity. Because it is fluid, the membrane's shape may be altered.

[Animation of Fluid Mosaic Model of Plasma Membranes (shows proteins floating in & moving around membrane)]

[Animation of Fluid Mosaic Model of Plasma Membranes (shorter - shows proteins floating in & moving around membrane)]

Old Books- Periods 1 & 5
New Book- Period 7
Read pp. 108-109
Read pp. 106-107
See Figure 6.5 & Table 6.1
See Figure 6.5 & Table 6.1

[Proteins on the Plasma Membrane] - Notes

[Proteins on the Plasma Membrane] - Diagram

Notes: Transport across plasma membranes
