Information to Remember as You Write Your Data Processing & Presentation
Tables & Graphs of Processed Results
Consider the following to help writing this section:
Tables of averaged IV and DV results that will be graphed. Include the word "average" as part of your title.
Graph: Displays averaged data. Includes a descriptive title and labels and units for both axes.
Use a key on the graph to note anything the viewer may not identify on their own.
Use a best fit line where necessary.
A description of what the graph shows might assist interpretation of the graph.
Extra help with Graphs.
Show any formulas or equations used & 1 example using your data of how to solve each formula.
Mathematical processing that might be used include: standard deviation, coefficient of variance, slope, % change, etc. Choose your equations based upon what you understand how to do. Seek help from your teacher if needed!
Extra help with Standard Deviation.