[Planning a] [Planning b] [Data Collection] [Data Analysis & Presentation] [Conclusion & Experimental Evaluation]

Information to Remember as You Write Your Planning a

Use your yellow planning sheet to aid in this process!

Introduction/ Background info:

This should be written in paragraph (or several paragraph) form. This must be written in your own words!

Write about what enzymes are, their structure and briefly how they work (no need for inhibtion here). Key words relating to this topic should be explained (Don't make a definition list. Write everything out as if it is part of the introduction to a report!)

A diagram or two of your own design can be used here to illustrate your information. If a diagram is used, what it shows must be described in your intro.

List the equation of the reaction involving your enzyme and describe its parts.

Describe why this reaction might be important to the body.

Information regarding your particular experiment (and hypothesis) can be written here, or as part of the hypothesis below.

Cite your sources. Use sources or books other than Mr. Slichter's website. Footnotes, bibliography, or other way of citing sources is okay as long as you are consistent.


Write a question like "What is the effect of __IV__ on __DV__? " or a similar question of your choosing.


a) Write a statement of what you think will happen. (Example: As the __IV__ increases, the __DV__ (does what?)). If there are several things that happen, several statements may be needed.

b) Explain in your own words the reason behind your hypothesis. A graph or prediction of what a graph may look like can be used here, but an explanation of your reasoning for your hypothesis should be given. A key emphasis again is that this should be in your own words.

c) Cite any information sources used for your hypothesis if you haven't done so in the background info above.


List the Independent Variable

List the Dependent Variable

List the Positive Control (Use the combinations of chemicals under the most favorable conditions that will give the best reaction.)

List any Negative Controls (Be aware the negative controls will be any combination of added chemicals that can be added together without getting any reaction. This means you may have more than one (to many) negative controls! Brainstorm these combinations!)

List other important variables which might influence your results. (You may want to include a little research to find other key variables).

[Planning a] [Planning b] [Data Collection] [Data Analysis & Presentation] [Conclusion & Experimental Analysis]
