[Planning a] [Planning b] [Data Collection] [Data Analysis & Presentation] [Conclusion & Experimental Evaluation]

Information to Remember as You Write Your Data Collection

Use your yellow planning sheet to aid in this process!

All data that is collected (raw data) should be placed and presented in a data table (or several data tables).

******Although your data is the same as your partners, you must make your own unique data table!

Averaged data or other manipulated data can be placed in this table.

Word process this data table or print it from a spreadsheet!

Write a specific title for the table. An example would be "The effect of IV on DV." or something similar. IV vs DV is not acceptable!

All columns or rows should be labelled.

Units of measurement should be included with the column or row label.

If something is left out, you may neatly add an item by writing it in.

If a mistake is made, neatly cross out (or white out) the offending mark and neatly write the correct mark in its place.

[Planning a] [Planning b] [Data Collection] [Data Analysis & Presentation] [Conclusion & Experimental Evaluation]
