* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.
1. Scouring Rush: Equisetum sp. -
2. Grand Fir: Abies grandis -
3. Ponderosa Pine: Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa -
4. Quaking Aspen: Populus tremuloides -
5. Willow: Salix sp.
6. Cattails: Typha latifolia -
7. Bottlebrush Squirreltail: Elymus elymoides (formerly Sitanion hystrix) -
8. Chocolate Lily: Fritillaria lanceolata - Going to seed.
9. Star-flowered False Solomon Seal: Maianthemum stellatum (formerly Smilacina stellata) -
10. False Solomon Seal: Maianthemum racemosum (formerly Smilacina racemosa) -
* 11. Sheep Sorrel: Rumex acetosella -
* 12. Grass Pink: Dianthus armeria -
13. Red Columbine: Aquilegia formosa var. formosa -
14. Tumble Mustard: Sisymbrium altissimum - Going to seed.
15. Meadow Alumroot: Heuchera chlorantha - Going to seed.
16. Purple Marshlocks: Comarum palustre (formerly Potentilla palustris) -
17. Suksdorf's Hawthorn: Crataegus suksdorfii -
* 18. Pinewoods Horkelia: Horkelia fusca ssp. fusca -
19. Antelope Bitterbrush: Purshia tridentata -
* 20. Hardhack: Spiraea douglasii -
21. Bigleaf Lupine: Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus -
* 22. Least Hop Clover: Trifolium dubium -
* 23. Red Clover: Trifolium pratense -
* 24. White Clover: Trifolium repens -
* 25. Filaree: Erodium cicutarium -
* 26. Common St. Johnswort: Hypericum perforatum -
* 27. Tall Annual Willowherb: Epilobium brachycarpum (formerly Epilobium paniculatum) -
28. Sharptooth Angelica: Angelica arguta -
* 29. Wild Carrot: Daucus carota -
30. Night-blooming False Bindweed: Calystegia atriplicifolia ssp. atriplicifolia (formerly Convolvulus nyctagineus) -
31. Nine-leaf Desert Parsley: Lomatium triternatum - Going to seed.
32. Pinemat Manzanita: Arctostaphylos nevadensis -
* 33. Pinedrops: Pterospora andromedea -
* 34. Spreading Dogbane: Apocynum androsmaefolium -
* 35. Common Centaury: Centaurium umbellatum -
36. Buckbean: Menyanthes trifoliata -
* 37. Large-flowered Collomia: Collomia grandiflora -
* 38. Scarlet Gilia: Ipomopsis aggregata -
* 39. Northern Bugleweed: Lycopus uniflorus -
* 40. Heal-all: Prunella vulgaris -
* 41. Common Paintbrush: Castilleja miniata var. miniata -
* 42. Common Monkeyflower: Erythranthe guttata -
* 43. Primrose Monkeyflower: Erythranthe primuloides -
* 44. Common Mullein: Verbascum thapsus -
* 45. Skullcap Speedwell: Veronica scutellata -
* 46. Flat-leaved Bladderwort: Utricularia intermedia - ?
* 47. Small Bedstraw: Galium trifidum ssp. columbianum -
* 48. Fragrant Bedstraw: Galium triflorum -
* 49. Milk Kellogia: Kellogia galioides -
* 50. English Plantain: Plantago lanceolata -
51. Twinflower: Linnaea borealis -
* 52. Scots Bluebells: Campanula rotundifolia -
* 53. Yarrow: Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis -
* 54. Pathfinder Plant: Adenocaulon bicolor -
* 55. Orange Agoseris: Agoseris aurantiaca var. aurantiaca -
* 56. Pearly Everlasting: Anaphalis margaritacea -
57. Howell's Pussytoes: Antennaria howellii var. howellii - Going to seed.
* 58. Meadow Knapweed: Centaurea pratensis -
* 59. Canadian Horseweed: Conyza canadensis var. glabrata -
* 60. Smooth Hawksbeard: Crepis capillaris ? -
* 61. Rayless Fleabane: Erigeron inornatus -
* 62. Threenerve Fleabane: Erigeron speciosus (formerly Erigeron subtrinervis var. conspicuus) -
63. Klickitat Aster: Eucephalus glaucescens (formerly Aster glaucescens) -
* 64. Rough-leaved Aster: Eurybia radulina (formerly Aster radulina) -
* 65. Blanketflower: Gaillardia aristata -
* 66. False Dandelion: Hypochaeris radicata -
* 67. Oxeye Daisy: Leucanthemum vulgare -
* 68. Canada Goldenrod: Solidago canadensis var. salebrosa -
* 69. Western Mountain Aster: Symphotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum (formerly Aster occidentalis ) -
* 70. Common Dandylion: Taraxacum officinale -
* 1. Pigweed: Chenopodium album -
* 2. Maidenstears: Silene vulgaris - ?
* 3. Bird's-foot Trefoil: Lotus corniculatus -
* 4. Rabbitfoot Clover: Trifolium arvense -
* 5. White Clover: Trifolium repens -
* 6. Filaree: Erodium cicutarium -
* 7. Common Mallow: Malva neglecta -
* 8. Evening-primrose: Oenothera (hookeri or strigosus ?) -
* 9. Common Mullein: Verbascum thapsus -
* 10. Annual Agoseris: Agoseris heterophylla var. heterophylla -
* 11. Bull Thistle: Cirsium vulgare -
* 12. Canadian Horseweed: Conyza canadensis var. glabrata -
13. Rabbitleaf, Slender Hareleaf: Lagophylla ramosissima - Finches and female redwing blackbirds would land on the ground next to these plants, then leap into the air to clasp the seed heads in their beaks and strip the seeds from the flower heads as food.
* 14. Oxeye Daisy: Leucanthemum vulgare -
* 15. Canada Goldenrod: Solidago canadensis var. salebrosa -
1. Big Deervetch: Lotus crassifolius var. crassifolius - Plants all past flowering.
2. Gairdner's Yampah: Perideridia gairdneri - Also seen along Kreps Lane on Conboy Lake NWR lands.
Douglas' Squirrel
Red-tailed Hawk
Turkey Vulture
Mourning Doves
Western Tanager
Cedar Waxwings
Violet-green Swallow
Red-breasted Nuthatches
Bewicks Wren
Dark-eyed Juncos
Western Wood Peewees -very numerous
Garter Snakes
Tree Frog
Ant Lions
Honey Bee
Acmon Blue
unidentifed Blues
Lorquin's Admiral
Wood Nymphs
small golden dragonflies
small red dragonflies
large dark dragonflies