[The Angelicas of Mt. Adams Country]

Lyall's Angelica, Sharptooth Angelica, Sharp-tooth Angelica, Shining Angelica

Angelica arguta

Synonyms: Angelica lyallii, Angelica piperi

The photo above shows the broadly winged and glabrous fruits of sharp-tooth Angelica as seen at the trailhead for the Willard Springs Trail at Conboy Lake NWR......................July 28, 2006.

The photo above shows sharp-tooth angelica as seen in Shorthorn Creek, along Trail #9, the Shorthorn Trail on the south side of Mt. Adams........August 31, 1996.

The photo above shows the large pinnately compound leaves (most of what you see is one leaf!) of sharp-tooth angelica as seen along the Island Springs Trail at Island Springs on the eastern slopes of Mt. Adams.....................August 25, 2005.

The photo above shows another view of a pinnately compound leaf of sharp-tooth angelica as seen along the Island Springs Trail on the eastern slopes of Mt. Adams...................July 1, 2005.


The photo above shows sharp-tooth angelica as seen at the trailhead for the Willard Springs Trail, Conboy Lake NWR...............August 17, 2007. Click each photo to see an enlarged version.


The two photos directly above show additional close-up views of the fruits of sharp-tooth angelica as seen at the trailhead for the Willard Springs Trail, Conboy Lake NWR..................July 31, 2008. Click each photo to see an enlarged version.

Paul Slichter