[Members of the
Sunflower Family with Flower Heads like Sunflowers or Daisies in Mt. Adams Country]
Canada Fleabane, Canadian Fleabane, Horseweed
Conyza canadensis
Synonyms: Conyza canadensis var. canadensis, Conyza canadensis var. glabrata

The photo above shows the involucre as well as the tips of the tiny ray flowers of horseweed. There are a few minute hairs on the involucral bracts, but they are essentially glabrous. The similar Conyza bonariensis is more copiously haired on the involucre. Photographed along the old highway about one mile east of Celilo, OR........September 1, 2007.

The photo above shows a view down onto the tiny ring of white ray flowers as well as the yellow disk flowers of horseweed. Photographed about one mile east of Celilo, OR.........September 1, 2007.

The photo above shows a close-up of the numerous narrow stem leaves of horseweed.........September 1, 2007.

The photograph above shows a view of horseweed as seen in disturbed soils alongside the old higway about one mile east of Celilo, OR.........September 1, 2007.
Paul Slichter