American Harebell, Bluebell Bellflower, Bluebell-of-Scotland, Roundleaf Bluebell, Scots Bellflower
Campanula rotundifolia
Synonyms: Campanula alaskana, Campanula dubia, Campanula gieseckiana, Campanula gieseckiana ssp. groenlandica, Campanula gieseckiana var. arctica, Campanula groenlandica, Campanula heterodoxa, Campanula intercedens, Campanula petiolata, Campanula rotundifolia ssp. groenlandica, Campanula rotundifolia ssp. intercedens, Campanula rotundifolia var. alaskana, Campanula rotundifolia var. alpina, Campanula rotundifolia var. arctica, Campanula rotundifolia var. intercedens, Campanula rotundifolia var. lancifolia, Campanula rotundifolia var. petiolata, Campanula rotundifolia var. velutina, Campanula sacajaweana
The photo above shows a close-up of the flower
of roundleaf bluebells as seen at one of the forks of Dairy Creek along Road
K6900 at the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams..........July 10, 2005.
Close-up images of the flower
and buds of roundleaf bluebells as seen at one of the forks of Dairy Creek along
Road K6900 at the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams..............July 10, 2005.
A late blooming roundleaf bluebells as seenat left along the Willard Springs Trail at Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge.........September 17, 2017. The photo at right shows roundleaf bluebells in bloom at Willard Springs, Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge.......August 26, 2018.
Paul Slichter