[Wildflowers of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Wildflowers of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington Having 5 Petals

Hood's Phlox: Phlox hoodii

Hood's Phlox: Phlox hoodii

Balsam Family:

Blazing Star Family: 5 petals are all separate from one another. Sepals are in between petals. Many stamens. Leaves alternate.

Borage Family: Petals united to form a trumpet or elongated tube. Flowers coiled into a cyme (looks like a coiled scorpion tail). Plants often bristly-hairy.

Broomrape Family: Low fleshy herbaceous wildflowers, lacking chlorophyll, and parasites of the roots of other plants. Flowers are tubular, similar to a snap dragon, with 5 united petals forming a 2-lipped flower.

Buckthorn Family: A family of decidous to evergreen shrubs and small trees.

Buttercup Family: Petals not joined. Petals either identical shape and size, or petals irregularly shaped (often with spurs). Numerous stamens. If yellow, petals are bright and shiny.

Caltrop Family:

Carpetweed Family:

Cucumber Family: Base of petals slightly joined. Large, viny plant with tendrils to help it climb objects. Flowers are single-sexed. Leaves are maple-like.

Dodder: (See also the Morning Glory Family.)

Dogbane Family: Flowers with 5 united petals, regular shape, and superior ovary. Flowers in racemes or panicles. Sap is thick and milky. Leaves opposite.

Figwort Family: Petals mostly joined. Most flowers of this family have fused petals to form a fat tube opening into two broad lips. If petals are not joined, one looks much larger than the others. Stems are round.

Four-O'clock Family: Flowers perfect, regular in cymes, racemes or umbels. Calyx tubular to campanulate with 5 segments, joined for about one-half their length. Petals generally 5. Stamens 10 many, unequal in length. Ovary 1-seeded, superior. Leaves opposite. Annual or perennial herbs.

Gentian Family: Petals in 4s or 5s, fused at the base, forming either a tube or flattened bowl. The 4 or 5 stamens are fused to the corolla wall, and alternate to the petals. The ovary is superior with one style.

Geranium Family: Petals not joined. Geraniums have flowers with 5 petals, 5 sepals, and 5 stamens. The central ovary has a long style that often looks beak-like.

Ginseng Family: Flowers with 5 completely free petals. Flowers of regular shape with inferior ovary. The white flowers are tiny in round umbels. The 5 stamens are alternate to the petals. Fruit a small fleshy berry.

Gooseberry or Currant Family: Shrub to small tree, to 9 feet tall. Flowers reddish whitish, or yellowish & tubular. Leaves simple, palmately veined, usually no larger in diameter than a half dollar.

Goosefoot Family: Annual herbs to small or medium sized shrubs.

Harebell Family: 5 petals are united. Flowers may be regular (corolla bell-shaped) or irregular (corolla strongly two-lipped). Ovary is inferior. 5 stamens fused in a distinctive "baseball bat" structure.

Heath Family: Petals either joined and bell-shaped, or petals free. Flowers with 5 sepals and 10 stamens.

Honeysuckle Family: Petals joined. Long funnel or bell-like flowers with 5 sepals and stamens. Leaves opposite.

Loosestrife Family: Flowers with either 4 petals, or with 5-7 petals. Petals separate.

Mallow Family: Petals are all of the same size and shape. Leaves often maple-like. Many stamens.

Milkweed Family: Flowers with 5 united petals, regular shape, and superior ovary. The petals are swept back and and 5 outer cups that often have a small curbing horn ont he central column is present. Flowers star-like in umbels. Sap is thick and milky.

Mint Family: Petals joined. Square stems. Flowers long and tube-like ending in 2 lips. Leaves opposite.

Morning Glory Family: (Includes dodder, Cuscuta sp.) All petals joined and of the same size and shape. Petals form a vase- or bell-like corolla. Immature flowers twisted in the bud stage. Plants viny.

Nightshade Family:

Oxalis Family: Petals joined at base, free above. Compound, clover-like leaves. Flowers funnel-like. 5 stamens.

Grass-of-Parnassus Family: (Formerly a member of the Saxifrage Family) Perennial herbs with kidney-shaped basal leaves. 5 petals all the same size and shape. 5 modified sterile stamens with gland-like projections alternating with the 5 fertile stamens. Ovary superior with 4 stigmans.

Parsley Family: Petals not joined. Flowers are tiny, and arranged in clusters called umbels (The flower and seed arrangements look like an inside out umbrella.). Leaves often compound and leaf stems often clasp main stem.

Pea Family: 2 petals (the lower ones which look like a pelicans pouch) joined, 3 are free of each other. Petals irregularly shaped. 2 sepals. The leaves are alternate and compound with leaf-like stipules where the leaf stem attaches to the main stem.

Peony Family- Brown's Peony, Western Peony: Paeonia brownii

Phlox Family: Petals joined. Flowers often look trumpet-like. 5 petals, 5 sepals, 5 stamens.

Pink Family: Petals not joined. Leaves mostly opposite. Petals often notched at tips. Joints of stem often swollen.

Primrose Family: Herbaceous wildflowers with simple, alternate, opposite, or whorled leaves, or the leaves may in some instances be all basal. Perfect, regular, 5 petaled and 5 sepaled flowers. Petals may be reflexed sharply backwards as in the shooting stars.

Purslane Family: Five petals not joined. 2 sepals. Leaves fleshy and opposite.

Rose Family: Petals not joined, and all are identical in shape and size. Many stamens. Leaves alternate, and with wide leaf-like stipules where leaf stem joins branch.

Sandalwood Family: Flowers radially symmetrical with petals absent. The sepals are fused to form a calyx tube above an inferior ovary. Leaves alternate. Blue root cortex when the root is cut.

Saxifrage Family: Petals not joined. 5 petals and 5 sepals, with 5 or 10 stamens. Flowers often cup-like or tube-like because of fused sepals.

Spurge Family: Petals and flower parts vary from 5-9. Sap is generally milky.

Stonecrop Family: Petals and sepals are 5 each. Stamens 5 or 10. Leaves and stems are thick and fleshy.

St. John Family: Petals completely free of each other and all are of the same size and shape. Leaves in opposite pairs to top of stem. Numerous stamens, united at bases into bunches.

Sumac Family: Shrubs or small trees. Leaves trilobate or pinnately-compound. Flowers small, regular, 5 petals present or absent. Calyx 5-parted. Stamens equal to or twice the number of sepals. Ovary superior.

Valerian Family: Joined petals. Petals irregularly-shaped. Sepals indistinct. Fused petals often have a spur or bump at the base of the flower. Opposite leaves.

Verbena Family:

Violet Family: Petals not joined. Petals are all differently shaped with 2 upper petals, 2 side petals and 1 lower petal.

Waterleaf Family: Joined petals, makes flowers bell-like. Stamens longer than petals, look like bug antennae. Flowers in a coiled cyme which looks like a curled scorpion tail.

Water-lily Family: Pond plants with floating leaves. Large showy flowers.

Paul Slichter E-mail