I. Trees and Shrubs:
A) Serviceberries: The Genus Amelanchier - Shrub or tree to 25 feet tall. White flowers with 5 thin, twisted petals are clustered in groups of 3 to 6. The flower clusters are frequently found arising from the stems where the oval leaves also arise. The flowers often stand up above the stems while the leaves hang down. The oval leaves only have teeth at the rounded tip.
B) Bride's Feathers, Goatsbeard, Sylvan Goatsbeard: Aruncus sylvester var. acuminatus (Synonyms: Aruncus acuminatus, Aruncus dioicus var. pubescens, Aruncus sylvester, Aruncus sylvester var. acuminatus, Aruncus vulgaris) - An attractive erect shrub to 2 meters high with large compound pinnate leaves (3 times compound). The leaf margins are coarsely toothed and the leaflets end in a sharp point. Flowers tiny and white in sprays at the ends of the branches.
C) Hawthorns: The Genus Crataegus - Large shrubs to trees with thorns on the branches.
D) Ocean Spray: Holodiscus discolor - Shrub with simple leaves with pinnate venation. Margins toothed or shallowly lobed. Flowers small in showy dense sprays or panicles.
E) Luetkea, Partridge Foot: Luetkea pectinata (Synonyms: Eriogynia pectinata, Saxifraga pectinata, Spiraea pectinata)- A high-altitude perennial herb with somewhat woody lower stems. It spreads by rhizomes and stolons to form wide mats. The leaves are basal and deeply lobed at the tip. They are up to 2 cm long. The flowers are white and borne in a congested raceme at the stem tip.
F) Crabapples and Apples: The Genus Malus -
G) Indian Plum, Osoberry, Oso-berry: Oemleria cerasiformis (Synonyms: Exochordata davidiana, Nuttallia cerasiformis, Nuttallia davidiana, Oemleria cerasiformis var. lancifolia, Oemleria cerasiformis var. nigra, Osmaronia cerasiformis ) - Shrub to 10 feet tall. Small white flowers with 5 petals hang down from stem in clusters of 5-10 flowers. No stickers on the stems! Leaves elliptical, simple, and up to 6 inches long. Newly emerging leaves stand up off the stems like green rabbit ears.
H) Pacific Ninebark: Physocarpus capitatus (Synonyms: Neillia capitata, Neillia opulifolia, Neillia opulifolia var. mollis, Opulaster capitatus, Opulaster opulifolius var. capitatus, Physocarpa tomentosa, Physocarpus opulifolius, Physocarpus opulifolius var. tomentellus, Spiraea capitata, Spiraea opulifolia var. mollis, Spiraea opulifolia var. tomentella) - Shrub to 12 feet. Flowers small, white, and arranged into spherical clumps. Leaves simple, and palmately lobed (typically with 3 lobes).
I) Shrubby Cinquefoil, Yellow Rose: Dasiphora fruticosa (Synonyms: Dasiphora floribunda, Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda, Dasiphora riparia, Fragaria fruticosa, Pentaphylloides floribunda, Pentaphylloides fruticosa, Potentilla floribunda, Potentilla fruticosa, Potentilla fruticosa ssp. floribunda, Potentila fruticosa var. farreri, Potentilla fruticosa var. tenuifolia) - A prostrate to erect shrub often used for landscaping. The leaves are pinnately compound with 5 narrowly elliptical leaflets from 1-2 cm long. The leaflets are covered with silky hairs. The flowers are showy and bright yellow, measuring up to 2.5 cm across
J) Wild Cherries: The Genus Prunus -
K) Antelope Bitterbrush, Antelope Brush, Antelope-brush, Bitterbrush: Purshia tridentata (Synonyms: Kunzia tridentate, Purshia tridentata var. tridentata, Tigarea tridentate) - Shrub to 12 feet. Flowers small, light yellow, and arranged loosely along the stems. Leaves tiny, simple, and typically with 3 small lobes or "toes" at the distal end. Leaves a dark green, shaped not unlike a birds foot, and very similar in shape to that of big sagebrush, although smaller and greener.
L) Common Pear, Domestic Pear, Garden Pear: Pyrus communis -
M) Oregon Crabapple, Western Crabapple: Malus fusca (Synonyms: Malus fusca var. fusca, Malus fusca var. levipes, Pyrus diversifolia, Pyrus fusca, Pyrus rivularis) - Small tree or large shrub from 3-10 meters high. Usually has several stems arising from ground. Leaves ovate with rounded base and pointed tips. The margins is toothed and may have 1 or 2 lobes (reminiscent of the shape of a child's mitten). Leaves 2-10 cm long. Flowers white, in corymbs of 5-10 blooms
N) Wild Roses: The Genus Rosa -
O) Brambles and Blackberries: The Genus Rubus -
P) Mountain Ash: The Genus Sorbus -
Q) Spiraeas: The Genus Spiraea -
Western Lady's-mantle: Aphanes occidentalis (Synonyms: Alchemilla occidentalis, Aphanes arvensis, Aphanes macrosepala) - Probably an introduced weed, it is a low, spreading annual with freely branched stems from 2-10 cm long. The leaves are short-petioled with simple but deeply lobed blades from 4-8 mm long. The flowers are borne along much of the length of the stems, with 5-15 common at each node.
Cinquefoils: The Genera Comarum, Drymocallis and Potentilla -
Strawberries: The Genus Fragaria -
Avens: The Genus Geum -
Horkelia, Pink Pinwheels, Tawny Horkelia: Horkelia fusca ssp.. fusca (Synonyms: Horkelia brownii, Horkelia caeruleomontana, Horkelia fusca ssp. parviflora, Horkelia fusca var. fusca, Horkelia parviflora, Horkelia tenuisecta, Potentilla andersonii, Potentilla capitata, Potentilla douglasii var. tenuisecta)
Burnet: The Genera Poteridium, Poterium, and Sanguisorba -