[The Rose Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Spiraeas of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Spiraea

Pyramid Spiraea: Spiraea x pyramidata (Synonyms: Spiraea betulifolia x douglasii, Spiraea tomentulosa ssp. pyramidata)

Pyramid Spiraea: Spiraea x pyramidata

Douglas' Spiraea, Hardhack, Steeplebush, Western Spiraea: Spiraea douglasii var. douglasii (Synonym: Spiraea douglasii var. roseata) - Shrub to 6 feet. Flowers small, pink, and arranged in dense racemes. Leaves ovate with small serrations. Typically found in wet meadows, or along stream & lake banks.

Menzies' Spiraea: Spiraea douglasii var. menziesii (Synonyms: Spiraea douglasii ssp. menziesii, Spiraea subvillosa, Spirea cuneifolia) -

Birch-leaved Spiraea, Shinyleaf Spiraea, Shiny-leaf Spiraea, White Spiraea: Spiraea lucida: (Synonym: Spiraea betulifolia, Spiraea betulifolia var. lucida)- An erect or ascending shrub to 1 meter high. Leaves egg shaped or elliptical, often toothed midleaf to the tip, and 2-8 cm long. Flowers small and white in a dense, flat-topped inflorescence.

Rose Meadowsweet, Subalpine Spiraea: Spiraea splendens (Synonyms: Spiraea densiflora, Spiraea densiflora ssp. densiflora, Spiraea densiflora ssp. splendens, Spiraea densiflora var. densiflora, Spiraea densiflora var. splendens, Spiraea splendens, Spiraea splendens var. rosea, Spiraea splendens var. splendens) - Shrub to 1 meter in height. Leaves egg-shaped to elliptical and from 2-4 cm long with irregular, coarse teeth. Flowers very small and rose colored in a dense, flat-topped inflorescence.

Pyramid Spiraea: Spiraea x pyramidata (Synonyms: Spiraea betulifolia x douglasii, Spiraea tomentulosa ssp. pyramidata) - Shrub to 1 meter in height. Flowers small, white, and arranged in dense rounded to conical inflorescences. Similar in many aspects to white spiraea except for the pyramidal inflorescence.

Paul Slichter E-mail