[Wildflowers with 5 Petals in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

The Primrose Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington


Desert Shooting Star: Dodecatheon conjugens

Desert Shooting Star: Dodecatheon conjugens

Members of the Primrose Family Found in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington:

Slender Rock Jasmine, Slender-stem Rock Jasmine, Slender-stemmed Fairy Candelabra: Androsace filiformis (Synonym: Androsace capillaris)

Shooting Stars: The Genus Dodecatheon - Leaves basal. Petals 4-5, reflexed sharply backwards. Flowers pink, rose or purplish (occasionally white).

Cliff Dwarf-primrose, Dwarf Primrose, Smooth Douglasia, Smooth-leaf Douglasia: Douglasia laevigata var. laevigata (Synonyms: Douglasia laevigata, Douglasia laevigata ssp. ciliolata, Doulgasia laevigata var. ciliolata) - Leaves arranged along the stems. 5 petals are spreading. Flowers pink to purple.

Scarlet Pimpernel: Lysimachia arvensis (Synonyms: Anagallis arvensis, Anagallis arvensis ssp. arvensis, Anagallis arvensis var. caerulea, Anagallis caerulea) - Leaves scattered along the stems. 5 petals spreading. Flowers salmon pink.

Chaffweed: Lysimachia minima (Synonyms: Anagallidastrum exiguum, Anagallis minima, Centunculus minimus, Micropyxis exigua) - Annual. Leaves scattered along the stems. 4-5 petals spreading. Flowers sessile.

Loosestrife: The Genus Lysimachia - Leaves scattered along the stems. 5 petals are spreading. Flowers yellow.

Starflowers: The Genus Lysimachia (formerly the Genus Trientalis) - Leaves crowded at the top of the stem. Petals 6-7, spreading. Flowers white or pink-tinged.

Paul Slichter E-mail