Rusty Saxifrage: Saxifraga ferruginea var. macounii
Bolandra, Northern False Coolwort, Oregon Bolandra: Bolandra oregana (Synonyms: Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis, Bolandra oregana var. oregana) - Basal leaves orbicular, incised, the divisions with several acute teeth. 2-4 similar stem leaves present. Inflorescence a loose panicle. Calyx tube yellow green, wide at the base but contracted towards the mouth. Petals dark purple, lanceolate with sharp points.
Coast Boykinia, Coastal Brookfoam, Slender Boykinia: Boykinia occidentalis (Synonyms: Boykinia cincinnata, Boykinia elata, Boykinia vancouverensis, Therofon cincinnatum) - Leaves maple-like with 5-7 shallow, acute lobes. Several leaves found on the stems. Flowers white with 5 lancelike petals. Stems glandular-hairy.
Buttercup Suksdorfia, Buttercup-leaf Mock Brookfoam, Buttercup-leaved Suksdorfia: Hemieva ranunculifolia(Synonyms: Boykinia ranunculifolia, Saxifraga ranunculifolia, Suksdorfia ranunculifolia) - Specimen collected near Viento State Park in the 1920s and in the lower Klickitat River canyon circa 1899.
Alumroots: The Genus Heuchera -
Prairie Stars: The Genus Lithophragma -
Bishops Caps and Mitreworts: The Genus Mitella -
Grass-of-Parnassus: The Genus Parnassia (now in its own family) -
Saxifrages: The Genera Cascadia, Micranthes and Saxifraga -
Violet Suksdorfia: Suksdorfia violacea - 1-3 basal leaves usually wither by flowering. Blade 1.5-2.5 cm wide with several lobes cleft up to 1/2 the length of the blade. 2-10 flowers in an open, loose raceme or 2-3 branched panicle. Petals violet to occasionally almost white.
Oregon Coolwort, Oregon Sullivantia, Sullivantia: Sullivantia oregana - Basal leaves long petiolate with wide, kidney-shaped blades, cleft up to 1/2 their length into 7-9 acute lobes. Flowering stems 5-20 cm high with 1-3 stem leaves. Inflorescence a panicle.
Bigflower Tellima, Fragrant Fringecup, Fringe Cup, Large Fringecup: Tellima grandiflora (Synonyms: Mitella grandiflora, Tellima odorata) - Wildflower to two feet tall. Hairy, simple, palmate leaves with toothed edges are largely all at the base of the plant. Flowers are greenish and cup-shaped in appearance, with tattered white, pink or pastel blue petals at the tips.
Foam Flowers: The Genus Tiarella -
Youth-on-age, Piggyback Plant, Piggy-back Plant: Tolmiea menziesii (Synonym: Tiarella menziesii) - Wildflower to 16 inches high. Hairy, simple, palmate leaves with toothed edges are largely all at the base of the plant. Flowers are a greenish and brown striped color, the fused petals being thinner than those of the Fringe Cup, and thin snakey or curved brown petals arise from the tips of the flower.