Bulbiferous Prairie-star, Bulblet Prairie Star, Bulbous Woodland-star: Lithophragma glabrum (Synonyms: Lithophragma bulbifera, Lithophragma bulbiferum, Lithophragma glabrum var. bulbiferum, Tellima bulbifera) - Early spring wildflower. Stems reddish. Flowers white or pink with cleft petals. Calyx cup-shaped. Bulblets commonly found on this species. Now reclassified as Lithophragma glabrum.
Smooth Prairie Star: Lithophragma glabrum (Synonyms: Lithophragma bulbifera, Lithophragma bulbiferum, Lithophragma glabra, Lithophragma glabrum var. bulbiferum, Lithophragma glabrum var. ramulosum, Lithophragma tenellum var. floridum, Tellima bulbifera, Tellima glabra) - Early spring wildflower to 8 inches tall. Stems reddish to brown or tan, somewhat hairy and glandular. Flowers white or pink, the five petals cleft or divided into thin, tattered lobes. Calyx cup-shaped, bulblets generally lacking. Flowers 5-15 at the top of the stem. Bulblets may be found instead of flowers, but not observed in the Columbia River Gorge except in L. bulbifera. Leaves often 3-lobed.
Small-flowered Prairie Star, Small-flowered Woodland-star: Lithophragma parviflorum var. parviflorum (Synonyms: Lithophragma parviflora, Lithophragma parviflorum) - Early spring wildflower to 14 inches tall. Basal leaves deeply divided 3-5 times. The 5 petals white or pinkish, each divided into 3 thin lobes. Calyx long and thin, widest at the mouth and tapering gradually to the stem. Stems leafless.
Slender Woodland Star, Slender Woodland-star: Lithophragma tenellum (Synonyms: Lithophragma australe, Lithophragma brevilobum, Lithophragma rupicola, Lithophragma tenellum var. thompsonii, Lithophragma thompsonii, Tellima tenella) -