[Wildflowers with 5 Petals in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

The Valerian Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington


Scouler's Heliotrope: Valerian scouleri

Members of the Valerian Family Found in the Columbia River Gorge:

Corn-salads or Plectritis: The Genus Plectritis - Annuals with simple stems or branches arising singly from the axils. Flowers clustered in head-like or interrupted spike-like inflorescences. All leaves simple with entire margins.

Heliotropes and Valerians: The Genus Valeriana - Perennials. At least some leaves (usuall on stem) pinnately compound or pinnatifid.

Blue-flowered Corn-salad, European Corn-salad, Lamb's-lettuce, Lewiston Cornsalad: Valerianella locusta (Synonym: Valerianella olitoria) - Annual with dichotomously branched, weak stems. Flowers in cymose clusters in a flat-topped inflorescence. All leaves simple with entire margins. Flowers pink or blue in small heads or cymes with subtending, linear bracts. Corollas small, up to 2 mm long.

Paul Slichter E-mail