[Wildflowers with 5 Petals in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

The Waterleaf Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington


Silver-leaf Phacelia: Phacelia hastata var. compacta

Silver-leaf Phacelia: Phacelia hastata var. compacta

Members of the Waterleaf Family Found in the Columbia River Gorge:

A. Dwarf Hesperochiron: Hesperochiron pumilus - Leaves all basal. Flowers solitary on long pedicels arising at the base of the plant.

B. Waterleaf: The Genus Hydrophyllum - Leaves found basally or on the stem. Flowers in congested, head-like cymes, the stamens exserted from the corolla..

C. Nemophilas: The Genus Nemophila - Leaves toothed or lobed, found mainly on the lower stem. Flowers solitary in the axils of the well-spaced stem leaves.

D. Phacelias: The Genus Phacelia - Leaves largely basal, but fairly numerous on the stems. Flowers in elongated spikes with coiled cymes, the stamens exserted from the corolla.

E. Sitka Mistmaiden, Sitka Romanzoffia: Romanzoffia sitchensis - Leaves largely basal with a few on the stems. Leaves kidney-shaped with broad, rounded teeth. Flowers in cymes, the stamens included within the corolla. Plants of wet cliffs and streamsides.

Paul Slichter E-mail