[The Waterleaf Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

The Phacelias of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Phacelia

Silverleaf Phacelia, Silver-leaf Phacelia, Whiteleaf Phacelia: Phacelia hastata var. hastata (Synonyms: Phacelia hastata var. alpina, Phacelia hastata var. leptosepala, Phacelia hastata var. leucophylla, Phacelia leptosepala, Phacelia leucophylla var. leucophylla, Phacelia leucophylla var. suksdorffii)

Silverleaf phacelia beginning to bloom at a Wasco County rock quarry along Sevenmile Road several miles to the northwest of The Dalles, Oregon..........April 20, 2014.

This genus is one that can be difficult for distinguishing between the species that are present. I also wouldn't be surprised to find that additional species beyond those listed here might be present. The characteristics listed here hopefully can begin to help viewers distinguish the small differences between some of them, however it is a good idea to use a more technical key to aid your keying!

Compact Phacelia, Silverleaf Phacelia, Silver-leaf Phacelia, Timberline Phacelia, Whiteleaf Phacelia: Phacelia hastata var. compacta (Synonyms: Phacelia frigida, Phacelia frigida ssp. frigida, Phacelia hastata var. dasyphylla, Phacelia nemoralis var. frigida) - Perennial. Basal leaves entire or with a pair of short, triangular lobes at the base. Low tufted plants with many prostrate to ascending stems 10-30 cm long. Herbages of stems with stiff, straight hairs. Plants of higher elevations in the Cascades.

Silverleaf Phacelia, Silver-leaf Phacelia, Whiteleaf Phacelia: Phacelia hastata var. hastata (Synonyms: Phacelia hastata var. alpina, Phacelia hastata var. leptosepala, Phacelia hastata var. leucophylla, Phacelia leptosepala, Phacelia leucophylla var. leucophylla, Phacelia leucophylla var. suksdorffii) - Perennial. Basal leaves generally mostly entire with occasionally a few with small lateral lobes near the base. Several to many ascending to erect stems present, generally greater than 30 cm high. Herbage densely pubescent and silvery in color (Hairs not both coarse and stiff.). Plants generally of lower to middle elevations.

Varileaf Phacelia: Phacelia heterophylla ssp. heterophylla (Synonyms: Phacelia heterophylla ssp. heterophylla, Phacelia heterophylla var. typica, Phacelia sericea var. biennis) -

Varileaf Phacelia, Varied-leaf Phacelia, Virgate Phacelia: Phacelia heterophylla ssp. virgata (Synonym: Phacelia virgata) - Biennial to short-lived perennial. Similar to P. nemoralis. Generally plants with a long, single stem or several lesser stems surrounding the tall, central stem. Basal leaves entire to bearing 1-2 pairs of basal lobes.

Carson's Phacelia, Threadleaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Scorpion-weed: Phacelia linearis - Annual. Leaves simple with entire margins, or with a pair of lobes near the base. Flowers fairly large and showy, broadly bell-shaped, blue-lavender, 8-18 mm wide.

Changeable Scorpionweed, Changeable Phacelia: Phacelia mutabilis (Synonyms: Phacelia californica, Phacelia californica var. jacintensis, Phacelia heterophylla var. griseophylla, Phacelia heterophylla var. pseudohispida) - Collected near Hood River (1911) and McCord Creek-Elowah Falls (1997-2010).

Oregon Phacelia, Shade Phacelia, Woodland Phacelia: Phacelia nemoralis ssp. oregonensis - Perennial. Similar to P. heterophylla. Large plants with one central, thick stems and often several shorter stems surrounding the central one. The herbage of the stems consists of many spreading -bristly hairs (hairs both stiff and coarse). Basal leaves large, often with 1 or more pairs of basal leaflets or lateral lobes below the base of the blade.

Branching Phacelia, Long-branched Phacelia: Phacelia ramosissima (var. ramosissima ?) - Perennial. Plants strongly glandular and odoriferous. Stems prostrate or weakly ascending 5-15 cm. Generally found on very rocky soils, talus, cliffs or ledges. Leaves pinnately compound, the indiviual leaflets again cleft or pinnatifid.

Hybrid Phacelia: Phacelia hastata x Phacelia heterophylla (Synonym: Phacelia hastata x Phacelia leucophylla)

Paul Slichter E-mail