[Phacelias of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Carson's Phacelia, Threadleaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Scorpion-weed: Phacelia linearis

Phacelia linearis

Flower of Carson's Phacelia, Threadleaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Scorpion-weed: Phacelia linearis

Close-up of the flower of threadleaf phacelia as seen at Horsethief Butte in the eastern Columbia River Gorge...........May 10, 2009.


Threadleaf phacelia is an attractive annual with either a simple, unbranched stem, or more often, an erect, many-branched stem from 12.5-50 cm high. The leaves are all found on the stems. They are narrow or linear in shape, either sessile or with short petioles, and from 1.5-11 cm long and 1.5-12 mm wide. Some of the leaves bear 1-4 narrow, diverging segments from below mid-leaf.

The attractive flowers are clustered at the tops of the stems or branches with blue-lavender corollas which are broadly campanulate (like flared bells), the openings 8-18 mm wide The sepals are narrow or linear, with bristly margins, and the stamens are about equal in length to the corolla lobes, but extend beyond the mouth of the flower as the corolla lobes flare outwards.


Threadleaf phacelia is usually found in dry open places or dry open woods at low to middle elevations.


Threadleaf phacelia may be found from southern British Columbia south along the eastern edge of the Cascades to northern California, and east to Alberta, Utah, and Wyoming.

In the Columbia River Gorge, it may be found between the elevations of 100'-2600' from near Wind Mt east throughout the rest of the Gorge.

Carson's Phacelia, Threadleaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Scorpion-weed: Phacelia linearis

Threadleaf phacelia as seen on sandy soils at Horsethief Butte in the eastern Columbia River Gorge..........May 10, 2009.

Flower of Carson's Phacelia, Threadleaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Scorpion-weed: Phacelia linearis - Corolla, calyx and upper stem leaves of Carson's Phacelia, Threadleaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Phacelia, Thread-leaf Scorpion-weed: Phacelia linearis

Threadleaf phacelia as seen on gravelly slopes along Washington Highway SR 14 about one mile east of Roosevelt, WA in the eastern Columbia River Gorge..........April 18, 2010.

Paul Slichter