[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2008]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington

Mount Adams: Gifford Pinchot National Forest

Bathtub Meadows

September 28, 2008

This photo shows a view north over the drying sedge meadows of Bathtub Meadows on September 28, 2008.

This photo shows a view north over the drying sedge meadows of Bathtub Meadows on September 28, 2008.

The study area includes the roadside along Forest Road #23 as well as Bathtub Meadows itself.

* Indicates the plant is currently in bloom.

1. Field Horsetail: Equisetum arvense -

2. Western Sword Fern: Polystichum munitum -

3. Pacific Silver Fir: Abies amabilis -

4. Engelmann Spruce: Picea engelmannii -

5. Western White Pine: Pinus monticola -

6. Western Hemlock: Tsuga heterophylla -

7. Red Alder: Alnus rubra -

8. Sitka Alder: Alnus viridis ssp. sitchensis -

9. Bog Willow: Salix pedicellaris -

10. Small Bur-reed: Sparganium natans -

11. Yellow Pond-lily: Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala -

12. Water Sedge: Carex aquatilis var. dives -

13. Softleaf Sedge: Carex disperma - ?

14. Star Sedge: Carex echinata ssp. echinata -

15. Woodrush Sedge: Carex luzulina var. ablata -

16. Merten's Sedge: Carex mertensii -

17. Inflated Sedge: Carex vesicaria -

18. Few-flowered Spikerush: Eleocharis quinqueflora - ?

*19. Tall Cottongrass: Eriophorum angustifolium ssp. angustifolium -

20. Orchard Grass: Dactylis glomerata -

21. Sticky Tofieldia: Triantha occidentalis ssp. brevistyla -

22. Green False Hellebore: Veratrum viride var. eschscholizianum -

23. Bear Grass: Xerophyllum tenax -

* 24. Hooded Ladies Tresses: Spiranthes romanzoffiana -

25. White Marsh-marigold: Caltha biflora -

26. Bog Saxifrage: Micranthes oregana -

* 27. Foamflower: Tiarella trifoliata var. unifoliata -

28. Broad-petal Strawberry: Fragaria virginiana ssp. platypetala -

29. Drummond's Cinquefoil: Potentilla drummondii ssp. drummondii -

30. Dwarf Bramble: Rubus lasiococcus -

31. Five-leaved Bramble: Rubus pedatus -

32. Salmonberry: Rubus spectabilis -

33. Western Mt. Ash: Sorbus sitchensis var. cascadensis -

34. Hardhack: Spiraea douglasii var. douglasii -

35. Broadleaf Lupine: Lupinus latifolius var. latifolius -

36. Stream Violet: Viola glabella -

37. Tinker's Penny: Hypericum anagalloides -

38. Common St. John's Wort: Hypericum perforatum -

39. Western Water-hemlock: Cicuta douglasii -

*40. Gray's Lovage: Ligusticum grayii -

*41. Bunchberry: Cornus unalaschkensis -

42. Alpine Laurel: Kalmia microphylla -

43. Red Mt. Heather: Phyllodocce empetriformis -

44. Cascade Azalea: Rhododendron albiflorum -

45. Oval-leaved Huckleberry: Vaccinium ovalifolium -

46. Bog Huckleberry: Vaccinium uliginosum -

47. Tall Mt. Shooting Stars: Dodecatheon jeffreyi -

48. Buckbean: Menyanthes trifoliata -

49. Mountain Bog Gentian: Gentiana calycosa -

50. Elephantheads: Pedicularis groenlandica -

51. Highbush Cranberry: Viburnum edule -

52. Sitka Valerian: Valeriana sitchensis -

* 53. Pearly Everlastings: Anaphalis margaritacea -

54. Hairy Arnica: Arnica mollis -

55. Subalpine Fleabane: Erigeron glacialis var. glacialis -

56. White-flowered Hawkweed: Hieracium albiflorum -

57. Rough Cat's-ear: Hypochaeris radicata -

58. Rocky Mt. Groundsel: Packera streptanthifolia -

* 59. Leafy Aster: Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. parryi -

Animals Seen Along the Pacific Crest Trail:



Douglas Squirrel


Paul Slichter E-mail