Explorer's Gentian, Mountain Bog Gentian, Rainier Pleated Gentian
Gentiana calycosa
Synonyms: Gentiana calycosa ssp. calycosa, Gentiana calycosa ssp. obtusiloba, Gentiana calycosa ssp. xantha, Gentiana calycosa var. calycosa, Gentiana calycosa var. obtusiloba, Gentiana calycosa var. xantha, Pneumonanthe calycosa
This mountain bog gentian (at left) was photographed
at the outlet of Bird Lake on Tract D Yakama lands at the southeastern corner
of Mt. Adams...........August 26, 2005. Note how the corolla lobes
lack spotting. The coloration of the corolla varies from light blue and lavender
to dark (gentian) blue. The photo at right shows mountain bog gentians still in bloom (2021 was a very hot and dry summer) near 7000' along the Climber's Trail on the upper south rim of Hellroaring Valley, Yakama Nation lands, Mt. Adams......August 30, 2021.
Mountain bog gentians in bloom in moist meadows near the head of the Lewis River, Mount Adams Wilderness.....August 28, 2021.
Mountain bog gentian in bloom in moist areas along the climber's trail between the Bird Creek Meadows trailhead and Hellroaring Overlook, Bird Creek Meadows, Mount Adams.........July 20, 2015.
Mountain bog gentian as seen at left at the western edge of Bird Creek Meadows.........October 13, 2006. Note the numerous ovate-shaped leaves clustered at the base of the flower.
The photos at center and right show mountain bog gentians blooming in meadows along the Divide Camp Trail #112 adjacent to the user trail to Divide Camp, Mount Adams Wilderness.....August 22, 2022.

Commonly seen in leafy clusters, this mountain
bog gentian was photographed at the outlet of Bird Lake on Tract D Yakama lands
at the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams..........August 26, 2005.

bog gentian as seen at the western edge of Bird Creek Meadows near upper Gotchen Creek, Mt. Adams..........August 13, 2007. Note the numerous silver spots on the lobes of the corolla as well as into the interior of the flower.
Most mountain bog gentians have single flowers atop the stems, but occasionally, one finds several to a cluster of flowers atop the stem. One can then take a close look at the leaves for the final ID. Gentiana calycosa tends to have leaves that are usually less than twice as long as wide. The leaves tend to be more numerous and close together along the stems of mountain bog gentian as opposed to the more widely space leaves (that are usually more than twice as long as wide) of the similar Gentiana affinis. At Gotchen and Bird Creek Meadows on Mt. Adams, it appears that up to 10-15% of the stems of Gentiana calycosa have two or more flowers atop each stem. Note the odd seven-petaled flower at lower right. These photos were taken along upper Gotchen Creek about 200 meters south of the Round the Mountain Trail #9, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Mt. Adams......September 5, 2021.
Two habitat views of mountain bog gentian as observed on Yakama Nation lands along the Round the Mountain Trail #9, Bird Creek Meadows.....September 2, 2023.
Close-up images of the flowers of mountain bog gentian as seen at the western edge of Bird Creek Meadows along the Round the
Mt. Trail #9 on Mt. Adams..........October 13, 2006. Note the numerous silver spots on the lobes of the corolla as well as into the interior of the flower. Note that the leaves are opposite on the stems.
Mountain bog gentian blooming (left) along the Round the Mountain Trail #9 in Bird Creek Meadows, southeastern corner of Mount Adams........August 13, 2013. The photo at right shows mountain bog gentian beginning to bloom along a small stream running through High Camp, northern corner of Mount Adams........August 12, 2016.
Mountain bog gentian blooming and showing fall foliage as seen in a moist meadow along the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 near Sheep Lake, Mount Adams Wilderness..........October 3, 2014.
Mountain bog gentians still blooming along the Round the Mountain Trail #9 just east of the junction with the Snipes Mountain Trail #11, western Bird Creek Meadows, Mount Adams.........August 30, 2018.
Mountain bog gentians in bloom at Foggy Flats off the Highline Trail #114, Mt. Adams Wilderness.......August 27, 2020.

Mountain bog gentians in bloom in the drainage about three-quarters of a mile uphill from Foggy Flat, Mt. Adams Wilderness......August 27, 2020.
Mountain bog gentians as seen in bloom along the Round the Mountain Trail #9 in upper Gotchen Meadows, western boundary of Yakama Nation lands, Bird Creek Meadows......September 4, 2022. Note the bumblebee pollinating the gentian flower. They will dive completely into the flower in order to seek pollen or nectar.
Late-blooming mountain bog gentians and their meadow habitat as observed in a vernally moist meadow near 6900' along the Climber's Trail on the south rim of Hellroaring Canyon, Yakama Nation lands in Bird Creek Meadows, Mount Adams.

The photo above shows a mass of deep blue-colored mountain bog
gentian as seen at Bird Creek Meadows on Mt. Adams..........September 1,
Paul Slichter