[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2007]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington

Mt. Adams: Small Creek Along Road K1000 between the Glenwood-Goldendale Highway and Mt. Adams Highway

Roughly Following the Yakima-Klickitat County Line (now part of the Klickitat Canyon NRCA)

This creek is about 100 meters west of the creek intensively covered in 2006.

August 17, 2007

Western Mt. Aster: Symphyotrichum spathulatum

Western Mt. Aster: Symphyotrichum spathulatum

* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.

1. Lodgepole Pine: Pinus contorta -

2. Bracken Fern: Pteridium aquilinum -

* 3. Nebraska Sedge: Carex nebrascensis -

* 4. Sedge: Carex sp. -

* 5. Spikerush: Eleocharis sp. -

6. Bulbous Blue Grass: Poa bulbosa -

7. Cheat Grass: Bromus tectorum -

8. Arum-leaf Arrowhead, Wapato: Sagittaria cuneata -

9. Hyacinth Cluster Lily: Triteleia hyacinthina - Going to seed.

* 10. Hooded Ladies' Tresses: Spiranthes romanzoffiana -

11. Closeflowered Knotweed: Polygonum confertiflorum -

12. Meadow Larkspur: Delphinium distichum - Past bloom.

* 13. Creeping Buttercup, Lesser Spearwort: Ranunculus flammula - Surprisingly, a few are still in bloom at the bottom of the deepest ponds, which have recently dried completely up.

14. Annual Burnet: Sanguisorba occidentalis - Along road edges.

15. Hardhack: Spiraea douglasii -

16. Scots Broom: Cytisus scoparius -

* 17. American Bird's-foot Trefoil: Acmispon americanus var. americanus - A few plants remain with some flowers.

18. Golden Clover, Yellow Clover, Greater Hop Clover: Trifolium aureum -

19. Longstalk Clover: Trifolium longipes ssp. longipes -

* 20. Common St. John's Wort: Hypericum perforatum - A few still in bloom in disturbed soils.

* 21. Scouler's St. John's Wort: Hypericum scouleri var. scouleri - A few still in bloom in moist areas.

* 22. Fireweed: Chamaenerion angustifolium -

* 23. Tall Annual Willowherb: Epilobium brachycarpum -

* 24. Denseflower Willowherb: Epilobium densiflorum -

* 25. Common Yampah: Perideridia gairdneri ssp. borealis -

26. Harkness' Linanthus: Linanthus harknessii -

27. Least Navaretia: Navarretia leucocephala var. minima -

28. Needleleaf Navarretia: Navarretia intertexta var. intertexta -

* 29. Small-flowered Forget-me-not: Myosotis laxa -

30. Scouler's Popcorn Flower: Plagiobothrys scouleri (var. scouleri?) -

* 31. Self Heal: Prunella vulgaris var. vulgaris - A few still in bloom.

32. Hairy Paint Brush, Hairy Owl-clover: Castilleja tenuis -

* 33. Primrose Monkey Flower: Erythranthes primuloides -

34. Small Bedstraw: Galium trifidum ssp. columbianum -

* 35. Marsh Speedwell: Veronica scutellata -

* 36. Yarrow: Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis -

37. Meadow Arnica, Leafy Arnica: Arnica chamissonis - Going to seed.

* 38. Meadow Knapweed: Centaurea pratensis - A few plants along K1000.

* 39. Smooth Hawksbeard: Crepis capillaris -

* 40. Rabbitbrush Goldenweed: Ericameria bloomeri - Beginning to bloom.

* 41. White-flowered Hawkweed: Hieracium albiflorum -

* 42. Prickly Lettuce: Lactuca serriola -

* 42. Mountain Tarweed: Madia glomerata -

* 43. Cut-leaved Microseris: Microseris laciniata - A few still in bloom in moist, riparian areas.

* 44. Tall Woolly-heads: Psilocarphus elatior - A few still in bloom.

* 45. Western Mountain Aster: Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum -

Animals Seen At This Site:

Turkey Vultures

Western Wood Peewees

Vaux's Swifts - Seen several hundred yards away at the western rim to the Klickitat Canyon.

Belted Kingfisher - Heard several hundred yards away at the western rim to the Klickitat Canyon (call was from along the Klickitat River).

Chipping Sparrows

Dark-eyed Juncos

Pygmy Nuthatch - Seen several hundred yards away at the western rim to the Klickitat Canyon.

White-breasted Nuthatch - Seen several hundred yards away at the western rim to the Klickitat Canyon.

Red-breasted Nuthatch - Seen several hundred yards away at the western rim to the Klickitat Canyon.

Western Skink - Seen several hundred yards away at the western rim to the Klickitat Canyon.

Melissa's Blues


Mormon Metalmark - Seen along the western Klickitat Canyon rim on Tall Buckwheat (Eriogonum elatum).

Paul Slichter E-mail