Scouler's St. Johnswort, Scouler's St. John's-wort, Western St. John's-wort
Hypericum scouleri
Synonyms: Hypericum formosum, Hypericum formosum ssp. scouleri, Hypericum formosum ssp. scouleri var. scouleri, Hypericum formosum var. scouleri, Hypericum scouleri ssp. scouleri
The photo above shows the inflorescence of Scouler's st.
john's wort as seen in wetlands at about 1800' along Road K1000 to the east of the Mt. Adams Highway........August
12, 2006. Note the numerous stamens.
Subspecies nortoniae differs from subspecies scouleri
in having one to several simple stems (rather than multiple, often branched stems)
less than 20 cm high and is generally found higher than ssp. scouleri in subalpine
The photo above shows the inflorescence of Scouler's st. john's wort as seen in wetlands at about 1800' along Road K1000 to the east of the Mt. Adams Highway.........August 12, 2006.
Paul Slichter