[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington


This photo shows a view across Camas Prairie in Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge towards Mt. Adams..........May 13, 2007. The snow line on Mt. Adams is much higher at this time of year compared to last. Currently, there are a few patches of snow in forested areas below 5000'.

This photo shows a view across Camas Prairie in Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge towards Mt. Adams..........May 13, 2007. The snow line on Mt. Adams is much higher at this time of year compared to last. Currently, there are a few patches of snow in forested areas below 5000'.

[The Flora of Mt. Adams] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2006] [2005] [Prior to 2005]

The following links are all for Mt. Adams in the southern Washington Cascades:

September 22, 2007: Kreps Lane (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

September 22, 2007: Lakeside Road - Public Fishing Area (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

September 8, 2007: Lakeside Road - Fishing Area (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

September 8, 2007: Lakeside Road (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

August 17, 2007: Willard Springs Foot Trail (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

August 17, 2007: Road K1000 near the Yakima-Klickitat County Line

August 10, 2007: Lakeside Road (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

August 10, 2007: Kreps Lane (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

July 19 & 21, 2007: Bird Creek Meadows - A Native Plant Society of Oregon hike.

July 2, 2007: Willard Springs Foot Trail (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

July 2, 2007: Lakeside Road (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

July 2, 2007: Road K1000 near the Yakima-Klickitat County Line

June 17, 2007: Road K1000 East of the Mt. Adams Highway

June 9, 2007: Willard Springs Foot Trail (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge) - A Native Plant Society of Oregon hike.

June 9, 2007: Kreps Lane (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge) - A Native Plant Society of Oregon hike.

June 9, 2007: Laurel Road (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge) - A Native Plant Society of Oregon hike.

June 3, 2007: Willard Springs Foot Trail (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

June 3, 2007: Lakeside Road (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

June 3, 2007: Kreps Lane (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

June 3, 2007: Road S1750 (above 4000' on the southern slopes of King Mt.)

June 2, 2007: Stagman Ridge Trail #12 (from trailhead to Mt. Adams Wilderness boundary)

June 2, 2007: Crofton Ridge Trail #73 (from west trailhead)

June 2, 2007: Salt Creek Trail #75 (along Cascade Creek)

May 19, 2007: Willard Springs Foot Trail (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

May 19, 2007: Kreps Lane (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

May 19, 2007: Lakeside Road (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

May 13, 2007: Road K1000 (roughly following the Yakima - Klickitat County boundary)

May 13, 2007: Road S1750 (above 4000' on the southern slopes of King Mt.)

May 13, 2007: Road parallelling large private clearcut (above gate on Road K2000) on south side of King Mt.

May 13, 2007: Large, private clearcut on Road K2000 (K2000 is gated at this point.)

May 5, 2007: Road K1000 (roughly following the Yakima - Klickitat County boundary) - NPSO Fieldtrip

May 5, 2007: Willard Springs Trail (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge) - NPSO Fieldtrip

May 5, 2007: Kreps Lane (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge) - NPSO Fieldtrip

April 13, 2007: Kreps Lane (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge) -

April 13, 2007: Willard Springs Foot Trail (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge) -

April 13, 2007: Road K1000 (roughly following the Yakima - Klickitat County boundary) -

This photo shows an elk herd lounging behind wetlands of plantain-leaved buttercup and common camas in Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge........May 13, 2007.

This photo shows an elk herd lounging behind wetlands of plantain-leaved buttercup and common camas in Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge........May 13, 2007.

Paul Slichter E-mail